
Structural model of personality in Freud. Freud's human personality structure


The edge where the fine treasure is laid

Under the layerthe layer is more powerful.

Other not yet worried

As bottom ice at depth.
Alexander Tvardovsky
It is known that the theory of Ch. Darwin had a huge impact on Freud's scientific developments. He comprehends the development of a person in evolutionary terms. Reflecting on the development of an individual, Freud believes that the main driving force is sexual energy - herself is susceptible to evolution that takes place in the life of each individual from birth to the occurrence of puberty.

Libido passes several stages. At first, it concentrates around the processes of sucking and biting in the child, then around the processes of anal and urethral discharge and, finally, around the genital organs. In the history of each individual, the libido remains the same: it is potentially the same, but its manifestations are changing in the process of individual development.

Freud's ideas about the development of human kind in some features coincides with the ideas about individual development, in others they are diverted. Freud believed that the primitive man fully satisfied his instincts, including those perverted. They constituted part of primitive sexuality. Primitive man was unable to become a creator of culture and civilization and still a person begins to create a civilization for the reasons that Freud could not explain.

Creating a culture forced a person to abandon the immediate and complete satisfaction of his instincts. The unsatisfied instinct switched to non-adhesive spiritual and mental energy, which is a building material of civilization. This transformation of sexual energy Freud called sublimation by using an analogy with chemical processes. The higher the level of development of civilization, the greater the power of the person sublimates and the more he suppresses his primary libidal impulses. It becomes more wise and cultural, but in a sense and less happy than a primitive person, and much more inclined to neurosis as a result of excessive suppressions of instincts. Therefore, a civilization created by man does not satisfy it. And although historical development is a positive phenomenon, if we consider only products created by civilization, however, this process includes the growth of dissatisfaction and the possibility of increasing the number of neurosis.

Another aspect of the historical concept of Freud is associated with the Oedipal complex. In the work "Totem and Taboo", he sets out a hypothesis, according to which the rebellion of sons against his father and the murder of him was decisive on the way from primitive society. Then the sons created a society based on arrangements to exclude in the future killing during the riots and ensure the implementation of moral installations.

According to Freud, the child in its development passes the same path. At the age of five to six years, the boy is experiencing a strongest jealousy to his father and displaces the desire to kill him only under the influence of the threat of castration. To get rid of fear, he strengthens his taboo on the heightened and thereby lays the kernel around which his "conscience" will be formed (super ego, or above-I). Subsequently, prohibitions and demands expressed by other authorities and society are added to the initial tab.

E. Fromm compares the views of K. Marx and F. Engels. Marx unshakably believed in the possibility of a person to develop and improve. This conviction, according to Fromma, is rooted in the messianic tradition of the West, starting with the prophets, passing through Christianity, the revival and ideas of the Epoch of Enlightenment. Freud was a skeptic, especially after the First World War. He considered the problem of human development as a tragedy. According to Freud, all the initiative of the person end with frustration.

If a person managed to return to primitive state, he would achieve pleasure, but would lose wisdom. If he continues to create more and more sophisticated civilizations, it becomes more wise, but at the same time having more prone diseases. For Freud, evolution is ambiguous blessing. Society causes no less harm than good.
Psyche as a structure
The psyche is the integrity of all processes, conscious and unconscious. Freud very significantly enriched psychology by introducing the concept of the structure of the psyche. In the inner world of man there is no harmony. More Ancient Greeks noted that a person is tearing into part consciousness, will and feelings. Inside the psyche one conflict is struggling with another. Social bans block biological impulses. There is no reason to believe that the human psyche is originally ordered. Obvious chaos of opposing elements need to somehow "devote".

Z. Freud suggested to distinguish the three structural components inside the psyche: ID (it), Ego (I) and Super-Ego (above-I). The bottom of the psyche Freud determined as it. It includes unconscious attractions and impulses that have a decisive effect on the thoughts, feelings and deeds of a person. Generally speaking, the notion itself does not belong to Freud. He was introduced into psychoanalytic literature the German doctor Groddek. He published in 1923 the work "Book On It". This concept of Grodek was unknown force, guiding human behavior.

Freud borrowed this concept in his work "I and it" (1923). However, he noted that the Grodek himself was probably followed by the example of F. Nietzsche, who constantly used this grammatical expression to designate impersonal and, so to speak, naturally necessary in our creature. The work "I and it" continues the course of thoughts that Freud outlined in "On the other side of the principle of pleasure" (1920). Freud tried to bring new conclusions in this work.

In this paper, it is noted that the separation of the psyche on the conscious and unconscious is the main prerequisite for psychoanalysis. It makes it possible to understand the pathological processes of mental life. Psychoanalysis does not consider the consciousness to the essence of the psyche. He considers consciousness as the quality of the psyche that can join other qualities or may be absent.

Freud showed that for most philosophically educated people, the idea of \u200b\u200bthe psyche, which is also unconscious, is so incomprehensible that it seems absurd and rejected by simple logic. However, "to be conscious" is a purely descriptive term referring to the most direct and most reliable perceptions. But then the experience shows us that the mental element, such as performance, is usually not realized for a long time. The state of awareness quickly passes. Requisted now at the next moment is made unconscious. However, it can and return to consciousness.

What gone out of consciousness at any time can be conscious. The unconscious coincides with the hidden ability to awareness. Philosophers, according to Freud, could argue: so far the view was in a state of latency, it was generally no mental. However, as a result of the processing of empirical data, Freud believes, a huge role of mental speakers is found. A condition in which the views were before awareness can be called displacement, and the force that led to ousa and supported it, is felt during analytical work as resistance.

The displacement is, therefore, an example of the unconscious. However, you can see two kinds of unconscious: latent (hidden), but capable of awareness, and displaced - in itself and without interpretation is not able to awareness. Freud introduces three terms in its work - unconscious, preliminary and conscious. The preliminary is the concept that was used in classical psychoanalysis to designate mental processes other than conscious and unconscious.

Freud did not consider the preliminary processes unconscious in his own sense of the word. He had them closer to consciousness, but at the same time did not identify with conscious phenomena. In the interpretation of Freud, the human psyche consists of three systems - consciousness, preliminary and unconscious. Each of them is characterized by specific processes that differ from each other. The difference between the assignution and unconscious is no less significant than the difference between consciousness and unconscious.

In the descriptive sense, the preliminary unconsciously. In dynamic terms, it differs from the displaced unconscious. In order to avoid misunderstandings and ambiguity, Freud introduced alphabetic designations of various systems: BES (unconscious), pos (preliminary) and 03 (consciousness). In part, it contributed to the elimination of confusion in the use of the concept of unconscious.

In the work "I and it", Freud put forward the assumption that part of the consciousness is also unconscious, and this is the so-called third unconsciousness does not coincide with neither assignificance, nor with the unconscious. As a result, the ambiguity of the unconscious turns into a lot of unrecognizable mental activity.

However, Freud insisted that the difference in unconscious, preliminary and consciousness systems is the only beam that illuminates the dark depths of the human psyche. It is very important for the characteristics of the dynamics of mental processes and the possibility of psychotherapeutic treatment as the transformation of the pathogenic unconscious into consciousness.
According to Freud, it contains all inherited, all that is at birth, which is laid in the Constitution. Among other things, therefore, those instincts that arise in a somatic organization and which in it find the first mental expression in the form of us unknown. This is the original, the main, the most central personality structure, open both in the somatic requirements of the body and the actions, and above-I.

Although other parts of the structure develop from it, it itself is malicious, chaotically and unorganized. Logical laws are not applicable to it. Opposite impulses exist as if side by side with each other, not neutralizing and without weakening each other. It is a reservoir for the whole person. There is nothing relevant to the idea of \u200b\u200btime, there is no recognition of the flow of time (which is noteworthy and requires attention of philosophical thought), there is no change in mental processes when passing time. Naturally, it does not know the values, good and evil, does not know morality.

It can be likened to the blind king, whose power is absolute, but which should rely on others in the distribution and use of its power. Content it is almost entirely unconsciously. It includes mental shapes that have never been conscious, as well as the material that turned out to be unacceptable for consciousness.

The thought or memories of the Consciousness and Consciousness and the shadows are still able to influence the mental life of a person. Freud emphasized that the forgotten material continues to have a force of action, not diminished, but released from under conscious control.
I (ego)
I am a concept that is used in psychoanalysis to designate a person or for the characteristics of one of the parts, instances, the spheres of the human psyche. This is a dual interpretation, I am reflected in the works of Z. Freud. For me, he understood both a special mental authority and the person as a whole.

Freud saw three instances in the psyche, each of which possesses its specificity. Each of them performs certain functions, but they are closely related. If it is passion, then I am the personification of the mind, common sense, prudence.

I am a part of the mental apparatus, which is in contact with external reality. It develops from it, as the child begins to conscious of herself as a person to serve as repeating requirements. As a tree bark, I protect it, but it takes energy from it. I provide physical and mental health and personality safety. Freud describes various functions I both in relation to the outside world and in the inner world, the impulses of which it seeks to satisfy.

Main characteristics I am as follows. Due to the relationship that has already established between sensual perception and muscular action, I manage arbitrary movements. His task is self-preservation. With regard to external events, I perform this task, conscious of external incentives, accumulating (in memory) Experience, avoiding excessive incentives (by flight), adapting to moderate incentives (adaptation) and, finally, leaving for the necessary changes in the external world to benefit ( through activity).

As for the internal events in relation to it, I perform my task, gaining control over the requirements of instincts, solving whether it is allowed to satisfy, laying satisfaction to favorable time and favorable circumstances in the outside world or fully suppressing their excitement. Its actions are managed by consideration of stresses arising inside or caused from outside. The strengthening of these stresses is generally felt like displeasure, and weakening - as a pleasure ... I seek pleasure and tries to avoid displeasure.

Thus, I initially be created by himself in the desire to cope with the need to reduce the tension and increase pleasure. However, to do this, I must, in turn, control or modulate impulses it, so that the individual may be less direct, but more realistic.

I am such a mental authority that seeks to carry out control over all mental processes occurring in the human psyche. At night, the activities are weakened, but even at night I control the censorship of dreams. In the cheese of state, I personally contribute to the displacement of his unconscious attacks, desires, aspirations. In many cases, I turn out to be mostly unconscious.

In psychoanalytic treatment, I act as a patient's resistance. According to Freud, one God knows what an important part I can be unconscious and is such. Consider as an example a sexual impulse. The individual feels the tension that arises from unsatisfied sexual excitement. It would reduce this stress directly and direct sexual activity. I must decide to what extent the sexual expression is appropriate, and so create a situation in which sexual contact will be most complete. It reacts to needs, I am on opportunities.
I and it
Considering the relationship between me and it, Freud proceeded from the fact that I am a modified part it. In a functionality, I am a representative of the external world. If in its activities it is guided by the principle of pleasure, then I try to replace it with the principle of reality. It is reckless. I am characterized by caution.

In its attitude to it, I look like a rider who must curb superior to his horse; The difference is that the rider is trying to do it with its own, and I - borrowed. If the rider does not want to part with the horse, he doesn't have anything else, he wants to drive there, where the horse wants, so I turn the will of it into action, as if it was his own will (Freud Z. "I" and "it" // The main instinct. M., 1998. P. 332.).

So, the rider (I) must curb superior to his horse (it). The rider determines the goal, the horse gives energy to move. Ideally, there are consistent actions between them. However, often the rider does not remain anything else, how to drive a horse there, where a naughty horse wants to head himself. I am talking about it, although it believes that the movement is performed by their own will.

Freud noted that since we know that I can be unconscious in my own sense of the word, psychoanalysts wanted to know more about him. All our knowledge is always associated with consciousness. After all, and the unconscious we can find out only by doing it consciously. But how is it possible? What does it mean to "do something conscious"? How does this happen?

Consciousness is the surface of the mental apparatus, it is spatially closer to the outside world. Individual for us - mental, not recognized and unconscious, on which I am resting superficially. I am unclearly separated from it, below it merges with it. But the displaced merges with it. It manifests itself only part of it. Owned only from I sharply excluded with resistances of displacement. With the help of it displaced can communicate with it.

I am a modified part it. The change occurred as a result of the direct influence of the outside world with the case of unconscious - Freud emphasizes that on the emergence of I and his separation from it influenced another moment. The own body and, above all, its surface is the place from which external and internal perceptions can proceed simultaneously. The body is considered as a different object, but to feel reacts with two types of sensations, of which one can equate to internal perception.

Freud shows that in psychophysiology, it was sufficiently explained how his own body allocates itself from the world of perceptions. Pain also plays a role. During painful diseases, new knowledge of the bodies is purchased. I am primarily bodily. I am not only a superficial creature, but also self-projection of the surface. If you look for an anatomical analogy for him, it is easiest to identify an anatoma with a "brain man" that believes that this person stands in the brain crown on the head. Heels are sticking up, he looks back, and on his left side, as you know, there is a zone of speech.

The relation I was considered to consciously with Freud repeatedly. He noted that people got used to the everywhere to apply a social and ethical assessment, and therefore would not be surprised if he heard that the activities of lower passions occur in the unconscious. But mental functions get access to consciousness, the easier, the higher they are evaluated from this point of view. However, these psychoanalytic experience is disappointing. There is evidence that even a subtle and difficult intellectual work, usually requiring stressful reflections, can be performed and unconsciously, not reaching consciousness. These facts are undoubted. They happen, for example, during sleep and are expressed in the fact that some scientist immediately after waking knows the answer to a difficult mathematical or other problem, over the decision of which he worked during the day before.

Another paradoxical statement. There are persons who have self-criticism and conscience, i.e. Mental work is certainly highly evaluated, are unconscious and in this capacity produce an extremely important impact. Thus, the continuing unconsciousness of resistance in the analysis is not the only situation of this kind. So, it is primarily bodily bodily
In I am not only the deepest, but the highest can be unconscious. We are talking about the allocation of another step in me as a personality, the instance that Freud called above-I. I draw over-I am from it.

This instance, as it were, separated from I, acts as an observer about it, becoming quite independent. One of its functions is conscience, the other is self-surveillance. Super-I present strict requirements for Ya.

This is over-I reign over me as a conscience, as an unconscious feeling of guilt. Above-I confront me as a representative of the inner world. Therefore, the conflicts between I and above-I reflect the opposite of the external and inner world, bodily and mental.

Ox-I am not developing from it, but from Ya. Super - I - this part of the personality structure serves as a judge or censor of activity and thoughts, I. This is a repository of moral establishments, the norms of behavior and those designs that create a prohibition in personality. Freud calls three functions above-I: conscience, self-surveillance and formation of the ideal. As a conscience, over-I limit, prohibits and judges conscious activities. But it also acts unconsciously. The unconscious limitations of the indirect and act as coercion or prohibit.

The task of self-observation is born from the ability of above-I evaluate the activity regardless of the urgen, it is to reduce the voltage and independently of I, which is also involved in satisfying needs. The formation of ideals is associated with the development of the most over-me. Ox-I am not, as it is sometimes believed to identify with one of the parents or with his behavior.

Experminating not only the idealization of parents. It can catch the reaction motives against them. It is not only a fug: "So the father you should be", but other: "You have no right to be so." "Thus, the separation of above-I am not something random: it reflects the most significant features of the development of the individual and the development of the form, and, in addition, it creates a sustainable expression of the influence of parents, i.e. perpetuates those moments that it is obliged to origin» (Freud. 3. I and it. P. 340.).

Freud puts another important problem. Psychoanalyz has always reproached that he is not concerned about the high, moral, top in man. This reproach, according to Freud, was doubly unfair - and historically, and methodically. First, because I would have been assigned to moral and aesthetic trends to oust. Secondly, no one wanted to understand from the very beginning that a psychoanalytic study could not perform in the form of a philosophical system with the completed and ready-made arch of scientific regulations, and there was a step by step to pierce his way to understand mental difficulties by analytical dismemberment of normal and abnormal phenomena. .

Is it necessary to interpret about the presence in the man of the highest, while psychoanalysts engaged in the study of displaced in mental life? Now, as Freud shows, one can argue about what is the highest creature in man. Higher creature is an ideal or above-I - the representation of our attitude towards parents. The fact that the biology and fate of the human type created and left it, by forming the ideal is transmitted to me and again individually in it is experienced. The ideal, as a result of the history of its education, has the most extensive connection with the phylogenetic acquisition - the archaic heritage of a separate person.

The fact that in a separate mental life was the deepest, it becomes by creating the ideal of the highest in the human soul according to our score scale. It is easy to show that the ideal-I satisfies all the requirements that are presented to the highest creature in a person. As a replacement of longing, he contains a germ from which, according to Freud, all religions were formed. The judgment of its own failure when compared with his ideal causes a humble religious feeling, which refers to the believer's tested passion.

The voltage between the requirements of conscience and achievements I was felt like a sense of guilt. Social feelings are based on identifying themselves with others on the soil of the same ideal I.

Religion, morality and social feeling, according to Freud, these major content of the highest in man originally accounted for one whole. According to the hypothesis, followed in Totem and Tabu, they phylogenetically acquired in the father's complex. Religion and moral restriction - by overcoming the direct Oedipov complex. Social feelings came out of the need to overcome rivalry, which remained between members of the younger generation.
Relations between the three subsystems
Above-I confront me as a representative of the inner world. Therefore, the conflicts between I and above-I reflect the opposite of the external and inner world, bodily and mental. Between it, I and above-I are installed complex relationships. I defends himself from numerous requirements, aimed at meeting the unconscious people's desires. I also defends themselves from the strokes of the punishing conscience, i.e. From the harsh requirements above-I. But since I manage to fix only gross encroachment on the part of it and above-I and I do not always manage to cope with so rude encroachments, then there are endless torments about their impotence. Thus, I, no matter how the owner is in my own home.

According to Freud, man is an unhappy being. I suffer because it is in danger and has a threat from three sides: from the outside of the world, sexual deposits it and the severity are over-I. This means that I turn out to be a servant of the three gentlemen. I seek to relate my activities with the principle of reality: trying to stay in good agreement with immoral it. I do everything in order to get along with the urchings of the ultrammother's ultra-ultrasound, and replied by the outside world, I make incredible efforts to establish harmony between the forces that affect it.

The common goal is to maintain an acceptable level of dynamic equilibrium, which increases pleasure and minimizes the displeasure, and if it is broken, then restore it. Energy that is used for system action occurs in it in connection with its primitive, instinctive nature. I appearing from it, realistically drawn with its main motivations. I am also a mediator between the forces operating in it and in the top, and the requirements of external reality. Above-I appear from me, acts as a moral brake in opposition to practical concerns, I. Ex-I set the boundaries of authenticity I.

It is completely unconsciously, I and above-I partially unconscious. What is the practical purpose of psychoanalysis? Firstly, in order to strengthen me, secondly, to make it independent from above-I, thirdly, expand the field of his perception and improve its organization so that it could master the new portion it.

However, I often do not cope with my task. In this case, the unfortunate I react to the danger emanating from its tyranans. So, according to Z. Freud, it is a real fear of the outside world, the fear of conscience in front of the top, the neurotic fear of the power of passions in it. Therefore, I am a focus of fear that contributes to the emergence of mental disorders.

It has already been noted that the therapeutic efforts of psychoanalysis are aimed at strengthening the power of Ya. In the process of psychoanalytic treatment, hidden attractions are revealed. It and strict requirements are supervised. Unconscious attractions identified with psychoanalytic equipment and requirements appear before human consciousness. Thereby opening the possibilities for their awareness.

Psychoanalysis is aimed at making me more independent of it and from above. Because it is over-I focus the unconscious, their contents must be converted to consciousness. In other words, where it was, I should become. Such, according to Freud, one of the main tasks of psychoanalysis.

In the interpretation of Freud, over-I immersed in it (unconscious). I (consciousness) draws over-I am from it. The unconscious it is immoral.

I'm trying to be moral. Super-I can be extremely moral, and then it terrorizes me, opposes him with merciless fry. Experior-I contain destructive forces and includes sadism, aggressiveness, death instinct. Between me and over-I stretches the fear of death.

Exploring above-I, Z. Freud showed that this instance personifies the authority of the parents: it also observes me, leads them and threatens him how parents are doing in relation to the child. According to Z. Freud, above-I closely connected with the Oedipal complex: it is finalized by the child after passing the stage of this complex on the basis of emotional relations between the child and his parents, i.e. The relationships that are characterized by duality, which includes feelings of love, affection and fear. The formation of above-I happens as the edipova of the complex is construed.

Along with the conscience and self-observation of Z. Freud gives an over-I another function. Above-I am a carrier of the ideal I. I says myself with this ideal, seeks to him, is trying to achieve perfection, and the ideal itself is a reflection of the early ideas of a child about parents with whom he admired. According to Z. Freud, over-I have that feature that it is not built by the example of parents, but according to the parents, super. It carries the traditions of the race and the people, includes the values \u200b\u200bof generations. It continues to live past.

Conducting an analogy between individual and cultural development, Z. Freud nominated that the society, like a person, is also formed by a certain super. The superior of society affects the development of culture. In turn, the excess of culture forms its own ideals and puts forward the requirements that are reflected in ethics.

The study and therapy of neuroses led Z. Freud to the conclusion that the individual end-of-me contains such harsh commandments and prohibitions that I do unfortunate. Without withstanding tyranny above-I, the unfortunate consciousness escapes the flight into the disease. One of the targets of therapy is to reduce the level of claims above-I relative to Ya.

A similar situation, according to Freud, exists in culture. Cultural over-I presented too large requirements for people. It gives orders without worrying about how far they are. Thus, the cultural commandment "Lovely Middle His" actually turns out to be unlike. Freud believes that despite this commandment, religious distribution turned out to be a permanent satellite of the history of human development.

Such a commandment, as Freud believes, contributes to aggressiveness and is an example of the non-psychological effectiveness of cultural super. But if so, should we recognize many neurotic cultures? Putting this question, Freud did not give a detailed answer to it. Meanwhile, modern cultural science is quite solidar with the opinion of Freud. After all, many cultures really dictate impossible requirements. So, modern culture invites people to get rid of aggressiveness, but at the same time puts this aggressiveness.

Considering the role of above-I in cultural development, Freud expressed the hope that someone will still decide to study the pathology of cultural societies. Today, social criticism has begun to implement this installation. They note neuroticism of European culture, indicate the mismatch of human nature and cultural institutions.

Freud used the term "personality" as an expression to designate the social in man. He tried to give a holistic idea of \u200b\u200beach socialized subject. His attempt to present psyche as the structure helped primarily organize our ideas about the inner world of man. She showed the complexity of human subjectivity. The action of different instances in the inner life of a person, Freud first pointed to the multi-layeredness of the human psyche. Now psychologists give more fractional cartography of the human soul. But the value of the Freuda concept does not diminish, but, on the contrary, demonstrates its significance.

After holding out different parts of the human psyche, Freud completed the construction of his anthropological theory. A man in his concept is an unhappy being immersed in the whirlpool of various collisions and stresses. Freud made a very interesting assumption about the neurotic nature of culture. At the same time, he pointed out that psychoanalysis could introduce human soul harmony and "debug" mass-psychological processes.
Questions for repetition
1. Why did Freud understand the psyche as a structure?

2. What parts of the psyche highlight Freud?

3. What role does the ego (me) play in mental processes?

4. What is the unconscious as part of the psyche?

5. How did Freud interpreted the problem of human integrity? How was born above-I?

6. How do various parts of the human psyche correlate?

7. What is the essence of analytical work according to Freud?

8. What is a psychoanalytic approach in personality psychology?

9. Is the transformation of the personality on Freud?
Bibliographic list
1. BluesPsychoanalytic personality theories. M., 1996.

2. GRISSON R.Practice and technique of psychoanalysis. Novocherkassk, 1994.

3. Grof S.Outside the brain. M., 1992.

4. Gurevich P.S.The adventures of the image. M., 1991.

5. Kutter P.Modern psychoanalysis. St. Petersburg., 1997.

6. Lamin V.M.Above-me, ego // Popular encyclopedia. Psychoanalysis. M., 1998.

7. Podoroga V.A.The world is unconscious. The problem of physicality in the philosophy of Nietzsche // Problems of consciousness in modern Western philosophy. M., 1989.

8. Toma H., Ziegler D.Personality theories. St. Petersburg, 1997.

9. Freud 3.The basic Instinct. M., 1998.
Threads of reports and abstracts
1. Psyche as a structure.

2. Freudian interpretation of the person as it, I and the top.

3. Essence and main characteristics it.

4. I as a core of the person.

5. Conscious and unconscious in Ya.

6. Genesis is over-I.

7. Dramaticria of conscious and unconscious.

8. The term is super.

9. Personality differentiation structure. 10. Psychotherapy of personality.

The social nature of a person determines his ability to live in society and be part of it. The structure of the individual as such and the combination of the individual characteristics of the personality of a particular person provide him with the opportunity to be the subject of sociocultural life of society.

Psychologists disagree in views and ideas about the content and on the structure of the personality. However, there are many very interesting theories, allowing you to better understand the social nature of the person and the features of the functioning of his psyche.

Personality and its properties

- Separate representative of the human race. When an individual begins to act as a subject of sociocultural life of society, he becomes a person. The structure of the personality, its features, properties and quality "grow" on the data at birth of the features of the psyche of the individual.

Personality is a set of sustainable psychological properties of an individual who determine its socially significant deeds.

Personality properties:

  • Will - the ability to consciously manage emotions and actions.
  • Abilities - different properties of the individual necessary to implement a particular activity.
  • - A combination of properties that determine and explaining the focus of behavior.
  • Temperament is a set of psycho-physiological properties associated with the dynamics of mental processes.
  • Character is a set of persistent properties that determine the features of human relations and his behavior.

The concept of "personality" is used in everyday life, when they talk about a specific volition, charismatic, respected person.

Different personality theories

One of the most controversial issues of scientific psychology is the question of personality structure.

In order to figure out in many different theories and identification of the personality structure, as well as streamline these knowledge, the classification of identity theories is adopted by several grounds:

  • By the method of determining the reasons:
  1. psychodunovic
  2. socyodynamic,
  3. interactical,
  4. humanistic.
  • According to the accent on the structure or dynamics of properties and qualities:
  1. structural
  2. dynamic.
  • By the range of ages considered in the theory:
  1. preschool and school age
  2. all age periods.

There are other grounds for the classification of personality theories. Such a variety is caused by the lack of consent in the views of different psychological trends and schools, which sometimes have no common intersection points.

The most interesting and well-known personal theories:

  • psychoanalytic theory of Z. Freud;
  • the theory of the features of the Personality of Alport and R.Qtella;
  • theory of social roles E. Bern;
  • personal theory A. Oil;
  • theory of the identity of E. Erixon.

Z. Freud is an outstanding scientist, the "father" of modern psychology, which turned the ideas of people about himself and his own "I". It was believed to be assumed that the psyche of man is his self-consciousness and conscious activities.

Z. Freud introduced the concept of "unconscious" and developed the structure of the personality in the form of a three-component dynamic model. He formulated psychodunovic theory, allocated the stages and determined them as psychosexual stages of development.

Psychoanalytic Personality Theory Z. Freud

The main accent and the foundation of the theory of Z. Freud is his interpretation of unconscious mental processes and instincts as driving a person outside his will and consciousness of the forces.

Natural desires and needs, entering confrontation with morality and morality, behavior standards adopted in society, generate psychological and mental problems.

To solve such problems, Z. Freud began to conduct a psychological analysis of personal qualities and the peculiarities of behavior of their patients.

In psychoanalysis, the psychologist helps the client to realize the suppressed desires and instincts with the help of repeated experiences of traumatic events of childhood or the nearby past, uses dream interpretation techniques and free associations.

Freud's personality structure includes three components:

  • Unconscious or it, ID (ID)

This component has a person from birth, as it includes instinctive, primitive forms of behavior. The unconscious is the source of mental energy, the main, defining personality component. Easter pushes a person to the immediate satisfaction of desires and needs, guided by the principle of pleasure.

If instincts are not satisfied, nervousness, anxiety, voltage occurs. If a person satisfies all his needs without taking into account the rules and rules adopted in society, its vital activity is destructive. Socically unacceptably act instinctively, without thinking about the intelligence and culture of their behavior.

Two major person's instincts in Freud: life instinct and death instinct. Life instinct includes forces that encourage people to keep and continue their life. The general name of these forces is Eros.

The instinct of death is a group of the forces of manifestation of aggression, cruelty, striving for the crossing of life, destruction, death - Tonatos.

The main, major and strongest Z. Freud considered sexual instinct. Powerful power of sexual instincts - libido. The libido energy moves by a person and finds a discharge in sex.

These instincts are not recognized, but manage the behavior of the individual.

  • Superconscious or Ex-I, Super-Ego (Super Ego)

Superconsciousness is a morality, a system of norms and values \u200b\u200bof morality, ethical principles that were vaccinated in the process of upbringing and self-education, during socialization and adaptation in society. Above-i is purchased, formed, it begins to manifest themselves from a three-year age, when a child learns to understand what "I" is, and what is "good" and "bad."

Superconscious - moral and ethical force. It includes conscience as the ability to perceive critically their thoughts and actions and ego ideal as the rules of good behavior, restrictions, standards due.

Parental instructions and control, interpretable self-control, become idealistic ideas about "as it should be." Parent / Teacher / Mentor's voice, who has heard a child in childhood, is "transformed" in his own inner voice when a person grows.

Above-I stimulate a person to be conscientious, honest, sincere, strive for spiritual values, development, self-realization, to experience guilt and shame for unworthy behavior.

  • Consciousness or me, ego (ego)

Freud's personality structure assumes that the human ego is part of the person responsible for making decisions. The conscious ego is looking for a compromise between the requirements of it and the limitations of above-I, which often act as opposing forces.

Consciousness ensures the safety and safety of life, making the decision to satisfy instincts in a socially acceptable form. It is consciousness that perceives, feels, remembers, imagines, argues. It involves both the mind, seeking to understand how and when it is better and more expedient to satisfy the desire.

The ego is guided by the principle of reality. Methods for protecting the ego, both from the excessive influence of the unconscious and from above-I called the protective mechanisms of the psyche. They are designed to restrain the impulses of the unconscious and pressure on the part of the superconscious.

Protective mechanisms protect the ego from psychological injuries, excessive experiences, anxiety, fears and other negative phenomena.

Z. Freud allocated such protective mechanisms:

  1. Displacing - the transition of traumatic memories into the sphere of unconscious.
  2. The projection is attributing unacceptable qualities, thoughts and feelings to other people.
  3. Rationalization - an attempt to rationally explain and justify unwanted actions, thoughts or behavior.
  4. Regression - Return to children's models of behavior.
  5. Sublimation is a transformation of sexual instinct into socially acceptable behavior, more often - creativity.
  6. Decidence - the inability to recognize the obvious, persistent settling of its wrongness.
  7. Isolation - the extrusion of strong emotions that took place in the traumatic situation (the situation is realized, but simply as a fact).
  8. Identification is the process of excessive gain to the role or traumatic situation, attributing non-existent qualities.
  9. Replacement is the unconscious replacement of the traumatic situation or action by other real or fictional events.
  10. Compensation and hypercompensation - the desire to make disadvantages by invisible due to the development of advantages.

A man with a strong, developed ego successfully retains the balance between it and above-I, effectively resolves internal conflicts. The weak ego is either a fireless, too affected by the impact of driving forces, or a rigid, too unsticiable.

And in the first case, and in the second, the personality structure is unbalanced, harmony is disturbed, psychological well-being is under threat.

The correct structure of the personality according to Freuda implies the balance of all its components, harmony between the ego, it is super.

The basis of an orthodox approach in the theory of the personality of Z. Freud concluded that the behavior of people manage not the laws of social development, but irrational mental forces. The intellect that implements the ego promises is only a means of masking these mental forces, and not active reflection of reality. Freud explores the role of the most important, in his opinion, the engine of the mental life of a person - "libido" (instinctive attraction to sensual pleasure, pleasure) defining Contradictions of man and micro and macrosocial environment, man and culture, man and civilization. According to Freud, the mental activity of the unconscious obeys the principle of pleasure, and the mental activity of the subconscious - the principle of reality. There is a displacement in unconscious unacceptable desires, egoistic, asocial ideas. Predictive being a corresponding filter, resists their attempts to penetrate consciousness.

According to Freud, an instinctive impulse can be either discharged in an acceptable action, or unspecified being displaced back to the unconscious. It can also be deprived of its initial energy through reactive formations (shame, moral) or sublimation (power switching from unacceptable goals and objects to acceptable). And it is through the principle of sublimation Z. Freud considered the emergence of religious cults, the emergence of culture, art and public institutions, the emergence of science and the civilization development of all mankind.

According to Freud - culture acts as "over me", it is based on the refusal to satisfy the desires of the unconscious and exist due to the sublimated libido energy. In the work of "dissatisfaction with the culture", Z. Freud comes to the global conclusion that the progress of culture reduces human happiness and strengthens the person a sense of guilt and anxiety due to the limited implementation of its natural desires due to the invalm of the desired with valid. And when considering the social organization of the Company, it accentrates not at its nadindividual character, but on the deterministic, natural tendency of man to aggression, anger, destruction, which can be curbing culture.

Any mental process in the form of an idea is formed before in the unconscious and only can then be in the sphere of consciousness. Moreover, the transition to consciousness is not a mandatory process, since, not all mental movements are certainly becoming conscious. Some, and perhaps most of them remain unconscious.

A complex, multi-level movement from a psychic unconscious into a preliminary, return movement from the preliminary in the unconscious or movement in the area of \u200b\u200bawareness and represents the very dynamics of individual mental.

The psychoanalytic theory is based on a psychodynamic approach in the study of the human psyche. The concept of dynamics in his theory implies that human behavior is fully determined, and unconscious mental processes are very significant in regulating human behavior in ontogenesis.

The unconscious in the theory of Freud is considered from the point of view of the presence of components that are not reduced to each other, and the main thing - at an angle of view of the functioning of various systems, in its combination of the constituent mental mental.

Topographic model of the psyche: Here it should be noted that in the topographic descriptions of Freud, closely interlaced dynamic processes perform in the form of specific individual structures of the mental apparatus, which interact with each other in the psychological space. "Freud warned that such concepts as IDs, the ego and the supera are just abstractions that they cannot be considered literally, and called any attempts to associate them with specific structures and functions of the brain" Moom Mistologies ".

According to this model, in the mental life of a person Z. Freud allocates three levels: consciousness, preliminary and unconscious.

The level of consciousness consists of sensations and experiences that we realize at the moment of time, here and now. According to Freud, consciousness accommodates only a small percentage of all information stored in the brain, and quickly falls into the area of \u200b\u200bthe preimary and unconscious as a person shifts on other signals.

The preimary area, the area of \u200b\u200b"available memory", includes the experience that has not been demanded at the moment, but which can return to consciousness spontaneously or with a minimum of effort. The preliminary bridge between the conscious and unconscious regions of the mental.

The deepest and significant area of \u200b\u200breason is the unconscious. It is a repository of primitive instinctive motivations, as well as emotions and memories, which as a result of a number of reasons were ousted out of consciousness. And it is the region of unconscious, its interaction with other regions of the mental, largely determines our daily functioning.

Structural identity model:Freud introduced three main concept structures into the theory of personality: ID (it), ego and super ego. This was called the structural personality model, although Freud himself was inclined to consider them some processes than structures. The relationship between topographic and structural models is shown in the figure below.

From the scheme it can be seen that the Idic sphere is fully unconscious, while the superano permeates all three levels.

According to Freud, the unconscious consists only of ideas. And therefore it is incorrect to talk about unconscious attractions, emotions or feelings. Instinct cannot be the object of consciousness. They can only have an idea representing instinct. And if the instinct is not connected with the idea of \u200b\u200bit is not known about it.

The unconscious is defined as a huge area of \u200b\u200bmental life, which has never been realized or was previously conscious, but underdecessing. The influence of the unconscious is much more powerful than the conscious. It can deeply change thoughts, ideas, emotions and influence behavioral patterns and somatic state. A person cannot directly realize his influence, although the unconscious impulses are actively striving for conscious expression.

"ID." The word "ID" comes from Latin "it". "ID" in Freud's theory is primarily primitive, instinctive and innate, vital aspects of personality, such as sleep, food, defecation, copulation. "ID" fills our energy behavior. "ID" has its central significance for the individual throughout life, it does not have any restrictions, chaotically, spontaneously. As the initial structure of the psyche, the ID expresses the primary principle of all human life - the immediate discharge of the mental energy produced by primary biological motives, the deterrence of which leads to voltage in mental and physical functioning. The implementation of the "ID" pulses and received the name - the principle of pleasure. However, obeying this principle, the ID, in its pure manifestation, may be dangerous to individual and society. Therefore, the idle pulses cannot directly "go out" into the area of \u200b\u200bthe Related area, they pass there more often through the filters of the super-ego. Freated described two essential physiological and mental process, through which the identity from the voltage: reflex actions and primary processes.

1. Reflex actions. One example of reflex actions to irritating the respiratory tract is cough. However, reflex actions are not always enough to remove the unconscious voltage. Then the primary processes are involved, which form mental images that are directly related to the satisfaction of the main need.

2. Primary processes - manifest themselves in the form of illogical, irrational forms of human representations, images, illusions. Primary processes are characterized by the inability to suppress unconscious impulses and distinguish between the real and illusory. The manifestation of behavior as the primary process may not be safe for the psyche, if not it is not implemented through external sources of satisfaction of needs. So babies, according to Freud, cannot postpone the satisfaction of their primary needs. And only after the realization of their existence of the outside world, the ability to delay the satisfaction of these needs appears.

"Ego" - about Latin - "I". The ego was named Freud by a secondary mental process, the "executive body" of the individual, the area of \u200b\u200bthe course of intellectual processes of solving problems. The ego is a mental person responsible for security and decision-making. The ego uses a part of the energy of the ID to transform and implement the needs in a socially acceptable context and thus really ensures the safety and self-preservation of the body. It uses cognitive and perceptual strategies in its desire to satisfy the desires and needs of the ID. The ego in his manifestations is guided by the principle of reality, the purpose of which is to preserve the integrity of the body by deferring the satisfaction of desires, prior to the possibility of their implementation in one form or another, in the relevant conditions of the external environment.

Super ego (above-I) - "We want to make the subject of this research, I, our kind of size, I. But is it possible? After all, I am the most authentic subject, how can it become an object? Nevertheless, undoubtedly, it is possible. I can take myself as an object, treat myself, as with other objects, watch yourself, criticize and God knows what else to do with himself. At the same time, one part I oppose myself the rest of Ya. So, I am disgusting, it is dismembered in some of its functions, at least for a while ... I could simply say that the special instance I start to distinguish between me is conscience, but It would be more cautious to consider this instance independent and assume that the conscience is one of its functions, and self-surveillance required as a prerequisite for the judicial activity of conscience is the other function. And since, recognizing the independent existence of any thing, you need to give her a name, I will from now on to call this instance in I "Just-I".

According to Freud, the super-ego is the final component of a developing psyche, which functionally meaning a system of values, moral and moral imperatives, norms and ethics, reasonably compatible with those that are accepted surrounded by the individual. Being a moral and ethical personality force, the super ego is a consequence of long dependence on parents, early prescriptions and fixed life plants. "The role that later takes over-in-me is fulfilled first by the external force, parental authority ... Excessive, which, thus, takes power, work and even parental instance methods, is not only its successor, but also indeed Legal direct heir. "

The super ego is divided into two subsystems: conscience and ego ideal. Conscience is acquired by parental prescriptions, punishments. It includes the ability to critical self-esteem, the presence of moral prohibitions and the emergence of a sense of guilt in a child.

The incentive aspect of the super ego - the ego ideal. It is formed from positive ratings of parents and conducts an individual to establish high behavioral standards. The super ego is considered to be fully formed when parental control is replaced by self-control.

A little about narcissism:

Under Narcissism understand the conversion of libido to a greater degree on themselves than on the objects of the outside world. The state of primary narcissism is a characteristic feature of the psyche of a newborn, when it is not yet able to distinguish between each other and external objects. In the future, during the passage of the stages of mental development, the narcissistic status changes. The "underdevelopment" of the super-ego arising from the peculiarities of the perception of the dominant father's figure as a childhood as sadist and Tirana may subsequently become the basis of deviation, which is called narcissism. When the status of the super-ego personality is not sufficiently developed, as well as its ego ideal, the main life goal may become the achievement of external status attributes, characteristic of this society and to form a strategy - "I-Balance" - "You - Different" . The excess orientation of the person internally, while maintaining narcissistic patterns, is subsequently an aggressive factor in the passage of crises of a mature personality.

Narcissus is hardly capable of interpersonal proximity, it is not able to love, as jealous. The partner is needed by Narcissus only to implement his movements of his beloved. In early periods of mental development, insulation from peers from an early age is also the most important in the formation of narcissism, when only its own body is becoming the subject of study in the absence of other facilities.

Driving forces of Freud behavior:

For those forces, Freud considered instincts that contribute to the formation of mental images of bodily needs expressed in the form of their own aspirations and desires. Using the law of conservation of energy, it formulated that the source of mental energy is the neurophysiological state of excitation. According to Freud's theory, each person has a limited amount of this energy, and the purpose of any form of behavior is to remove the voltage caused by the accumulation of this energy in one place. Freud's personality motivation is fully based on the energy of the excitation produced by physical needs. And although the number of instincts is unlimited, Freud shared them into two groups: instincts of self-preservation or ego-instincts and sexual instincts.

Subsequently, Freud divided them into multidirectional vectors: the instinct of life - Eros and the instinct of death - Tanatos. Life instinct included libido and part of the ego instincts. The instinct of death also represented a new separate concept, the same important as Eros theory. According to Freud - the instinct of death is activated immediately at birth and is expressed in the trend towards the return of organic life into a preceding inorganic state. The process of life implies a voltage, and the attraction to the sweep is aiming the goal of exemption from this tension.

The first group, under the general name of Eros, includes all the forces that serve the goals of maintaining vital processes and ensuring the reproduction of the species. The energy of this instinct was the name of the libido, or the energy of the libido. Since there are many sexual instincts, Freud suggested that each of them is associated with a certain area of \u200b\u200bthe body, i.e. Erogenic zone, and allocated the following areas of realization of the libido: mouth, anus and genitals.

Second group - death instincts. The energy of Tanatos - underlies all the manifestations of aggressiveness, anger, cruelty, self-destructive dependent behavior, suicide.

Any instinct has four main characteristics: source, goal, object and stimulus. Source Instinct is the condition of the body or the need that causes this condition. Instincts are defined as mentioned in the psyche of the motives arising in the body and already existing in newborns. purpose Instinct - in zeroing or reduction of excitation. Object Instinct may be a person or subject in the environment or in the body of the individual itself, which provides the purpose of the instinct. Ways leading to the realization of the goal are the election of the individual. Any behavioral process can be described in psychoanalytic terms: Cake - binding or energy direction on the object and antichatexis - obstacles that interferes with satisfaction. Examples of Cakes can serve as symbiotic connections or emotional attachment towards people, passing out other people's ideas.

Stimulus The achievement of the desire is the amount of energy that is necessary to achieve the goal, the satisfaction of the instinct. "Usually about feelings, emotional charges, affects are spoken ... as something is movable, directed seeking expression. Love encourages hugging, and disgust repel, anger is to kill, and the compassion to heal the wounds of the neighbor.

To understand the dynamics of the energy of the instincts and its expression in the choice of objects is the concept of activity displacement. According to this concept, the release of energy occurs due to the change of behavioral activity. Manifestations of displaced activity can be observed if the choice of the object for any reason is not possible. Such a displacement underlies creativity or, which is more common, in everyday life through confrontation, home conflicts or conflicts at work.

Stages of psychosexual identity development:

One of the prerequisites of the psychoanalytic theory is that a person is already born with a certain amount of libido, which then takes place in its development several stages, referred to as the stage of psychosexual development.

According to Freud- psychossexual development, this is a biologically deterministic sequence, which is unchanged and inherent in all people, regardless of cultural level. Freud proposed his model of various human constitution, depending on the difference in the development of erogenous zones, sources of sexual excitement. "We may assume that although these sources are important in all people, but not all of them are equally strong and that the preferred development of individual sources of sexual excitement contributes to further differentiation of various sexual constitutions."

Labideloy energy is Freuda the basis for the development of the personality and the formation of its nature. A person passes several stages that differ from each other by the method of fixing libido. At the same time, Freud paid great attention to how the fixation occurs and whether a person needs in foreign objects of implementation. On these grounds, he highlighted three large stages divided into several stages. Z. Freeda was proposed by a hypothesis of four stages of psychosexual development: oral, anal, phallic and genital.

To the note: (frustration is one of the mental states, in a situation of impossibility of satisfaction of needs. During the periods of frustration, the psychosexual needs of the child are emitted by parents or educators, so they do not find optimal satisfaction.

Superstability. With supraceability, the child does not have the ability to manage its internal functions. In any case, the libido is clusted that in mature years it can lead to an unconscious, "residual" behavior associated with the stage on which frustration or to which the individual regresses. This is the essence of fixation.

Regression is a refund to the earliest stage of mental development or the manifestation of infantile behavior characteristic of this period. Regression is considered a special case of fixation - a delay or stopping development at a certain stage).

The incentive flow fell on the newborn, and it does not have an adequate way to process them. The newborn can not use protective mechanisms to protect itself and turns out to be over-excited. This first and dangerous situation becomes a model for later anxiety. Also, the "branch" becomes a relevant link, which at birth is biological in nature, but subsequently expressed in psychologically and symbolic form.

The first year of life. Oral stage

The mental life of the newborn can be characterized as an undifferentiated mental state from which the levels of consciousness begin to quickly form.

The first stage - libido-object - is characterized by the fact that the child needs an outsider to implement the libido - mother. This stage is called the oral stage, since satisfaction occurs when irritating the oral cavity and sexual instinct expressed in the sucking act. The fixation at this stage occurs if the child in this period has experienced deprivation in its libedom desires. So, in the first year of life, the main center of the concentration of sexual energy and sensual satisfaction is the mouth.

The oral stage continues from birth to about 18 months of age. It can end earlier or later, when breastfeeding is stopped. This period is completely dependent on parents, and the area of \u200b\u200bthe mouth is associated with the concentration of pleasant sensations and the satisfaction of biological needs. Babies not only receive visible pleasure from the process of sucking, but also use the mouth as a tool for studying the outside world. According to Freud, the mouth continues to remain an important erogenous zone throughout the human life. Freud described two types of personality when fixing at this stage.

The first phase. It is prolonged by sucking and in oral incorporation. Type: oral-passive - cheerful, optimistic, expects a "maternal" attitude towards himself. It is characterized by gullibility, passivity, immaturity and excessive dependence. Constantly looking for approval from those surrounding at any cost.

The second phase of the oral stage. Type: oral-aggressive (oral-sadistic) - During the second half of the first year, this phase of the oral stage begins when the baby appears teeth, thanks to which biting, chewing, swallowing becomes important means of expressing the state of frustration caused by the absence of a mother or postponement of satisfaction . At this phase, sadistic attractions are manifested, a new type of relationship with others is approved. It is called "ambitious" and is expressed in two opposite orientation - friendly and cruel acting simultaneously towards others. During this period, perhaps, ambivalence is most pronounced. Subsequently, love and hatred are already preceding the preceding process.

The consequences of fixing on the oral-sadistic phase expressed in such features as love for disputes, pessimism, cynical attitude. This type is typical of other people and dominate them in order to meet their needs.

For an oral type of personality, it is characteristic of Freud, certain infantility, dependence on adults, parents, even in adulthood. Moreover, such a dependence can be expressed both in conformal and in negative behavior.

The period is from one year to three years. Anal stage

Anal stage begins aged 18 months and continues until the third year of life. At this time, the sphere of sensual pleasure becomes anal area. In the process of learning the departure of natural needs, the child is first getting the opportunity to feel the well-known independence from parental care. During this period, small children get a significant pleasure from the pushing of feces. In this stage of teaching to the toilet, the child learns to distinguish the requirements of the ID (pleasure from immediate defecation) and social limitations emanating from parents (independent need for needs). Freud believed that all future forms of self-control and self-regulation were originated in this stage.

As a result of frustration during this period, it is possible to form an anal-retaining type of personality. This type of more adulthood is extremely stingy, inclined with accumulation, methodic, punctural and stubborn.

The second result of this anal fixation is an anal-ejector. The features of this type are a tendency to destruction, anxiety, impulsiveness and even sadistic cruelty. Some parents encourage their children to regular emptying and generously praise for it. A similar approach brings up a positive self-esteem and can even contribute to the development of creative abilities.

The second stage, which lasts up to 10-11 years old,before the start of puberty, the libido-subject is characterized by the fact that to meet their instincts, the child does not require any external object. Sometimes Freud called this stage by a period of narcissism, considering that for all people who had a fixation at this stage, the orientation of themselves is characterized by the desire to use others to meet their own needs and desires, emotional density from them. The number of narcissism consists of several stages. The first one that lasts about three years old is anal, in which the child not only learns certain toilet skills, but his sense of property begins to form. Fixation at this stage form an anal character, which is characterized by stubbornness, often rigidity, accuracy and thrift.

The period from three to five years. Phallic stage

From 3 years old, the child moves to the next, phallic stage, on which children begin to realize their sexual differences, are interested in their genitalia. Between the three and six years, erotic interest switches to external genital organs. At least from 3 years old, the child first draws attention to the presence or absence of a penis. During the phallic phase of psychosexual development, children can explore the genital organs, masturbate and show interest in issues related to birth and sexual relations.

At this stage, two main important psychoanalytic provisions are considered: casting fear of boys and dependent on the penis in girls.

Castrial alarm boy can be expressed in different ways. He may be afraid to get sick, damage his body, etc. Castrial anxiety can be explained in the UNG terms "collective unconscious."

Envy to the penis in girls. She arises when a little girl notices anatomical differences in genitalia. She not only feels that she would like to possess a penis, but may probably assume what he had, but lost him. This stage of Freud called critical for girls who first begin to realize their "inferiority" due to the lack of penis. This discovery, he considered it can lead to later neurotic or aggressiveness, which is generally characteristic of people fixed at this stage.

During this period, tensions are growing in relationships with parents, primarily with the parent of his sex, which the child is afraid and to which the parent of the opposite sex is jealous. Tensions weakens to six years, when the latent stage occurs in the development of libidosis attraction. Oedipus complex and electric complex. The essence of these complexes is enclosed in the unconscious desire of each child to have the parent of the opposite sex and eliminate the parent of one with him. Normally, these complexes are developing differently in boys and girls.

The appearance of the Oedipova complex of boys:From the moment of birth, the main source of satisfaction for the child is a mother or a figure replacing it. And the fantasy of sexual convergence with the mother may arise (which is quite natural, since he already loves her mother, just like her). Such fantastic desires lead to the development of the EDIPOV complex. The boy wants to have a mother, wants to express his erotic feelings in the same way as, by his observation, people make a senior image. Father is perceived as an obstacle to obtaining genital satisfaction. The boy is jealous of mother to his father, considering the last rival in the struggle for her love. At the same time, the boy is afraid of anger of a mighty father and is especially afraid that he will punish him by depriving the penis. From here, due to rivalry or hostility with the Father, because The boy understands that his father does not want to endure his romantic feelings for the mother, as a result of which the danger of retribution arises, the fear of castration appears. This makes it give up to the desire for incests with your mother. Fear of possible castration is supported in the boy's mind two logical considerations: 1) He believes that the penis will be "punished" as a source of pleasure and guilt, 2) He already knows that girls do not have a penis and, therefore, it can be taken away.

In the study of the problem of personality, psychology relies largely on the position of philosophy, which determines which content is invested in this concept and which of the parties is social, individual, rational or ethical - is the lead. The psychology is primarily interested in the issues of the personality structure, the driving forces and mechanisms of its development. They became the center of attention of most theories.

One of the first and most famous is the theory of Austrian psychiatrist. In 1900, his book "Interpretation of dreams" appeared, in which he first published the most important provisions of his concept, supplemented in his follow-up books "psychopathology of everyday life" (1901), "I and it" (1923), "Totem and Tabu" (1913), "The Psychology of Mass and Analysis of the Human" I "(1921). Freud's views can be divided into three areas - this is the method of treating functional psychological diseases, the theory of personality and the theory of society, while the same system is its views on the development and structure of a person's personality.

The father of the system called "Do you want to talk about it? Going to the couch ", the person who provided the work of the sexologists, considered all the problems, was recognized by the world and miraculously escaped death from the hands of the Nazis, - Solomon Sigismund (Sigmund) Freud.

Where all all began

Sigmund Freud (May 6, 1856 - September 23, 1939) is the founder at the end of the XIX century a higher medical education in Austria, he wrote works on the theme of systemic violations of speech and diseases of the nervous system. However, he did not come to find success in this field, as it hosted anti-Semitism, which was gaining scope at the time. Because of this, he turned his attention to psychiatry, which was less developed and not particularly interesting. This step has become a turning point in this industry, since Freud first reviewed the appeal to the unconscious person, it was his considering of all mental and psychosomatic diseases. Psychology on Freud is ambiguous, it causes a lot of disputes to this day. What is at least the official attachment of Sigmund to cocaine! He enjoyed himself and strongly shared with the environment, enthusiastically commenting on the action of a drug that expelled depression and contributed to digestion. During the experiments, it was found that the "healing powder" can be used as anesthesia during operations in the eyes. Cocaine in scientific works was erected by Freud in the rank of Panacea, which, in turn, provoked a wave of drug addiction, which did not subside until the 1920s. Because of this, the psychiatrist was subjected to universal censure, as it became a kind of drug acquisition initiator among the inhabitants of Europe and the United States. In addition, because of the progressive Nazism and anti-Semitism, the life of the psychiatrist and his family was under constant threat, and only due to its popularity the government allowed him to leave Austria and settle in London. She accepted Freud with joy, including in the royal society and ensuring honor until the end of his days.

Personality for Freud: Basics, Structure

As mentioned above, Freud was an innovator in the field of psychiatry, as it appealed to the unconscious man, bypassing his conscious manifestations. Its works are extensive and specific, but you can identify the basic provisions to which they are based on.

The drawing schematically depicts the identity of Freud, consider all elements in detail:

  • ID - "it". An animal component of a person, based exclusively on low-albele desires and needs. "It" pursues one goal - getting pleasure.
  • Ego - "I". It is a man himself as it is from a social point of view. "I" displays the awareness of what is happening, which means Freud, the most complete interaction with the outside world, the ability to associate the past, present and future, draw conclusions. It has the "it" enclosing.
  • SuperoGo - "Super - I". This is who man strives to become under pressure from society. "The above-I" dictates a person how it should come, based on the grafted morality and conscience.

Substitution theory

In the ideal version, all these components of the individuals coexist peacefully - "it" craves pleasures and, as far as possible, he gets, "Just-I" seeks to an ideal imposed from outside, and "I" balances two extremes. In practice, the ideal of Freud is unattainable, for everywhere there is a way or another. For example, in psychopaths "I" is suppressed by "it", the thirst for pleasure breaks down on the will, submersing all the foundations. Neurastonikov - on the contrary, the role of the first violin plays "above-I", growing eternal dissatisfaction with himself and the rejection of his imperfection.

What does Freud mean psychic disorders treatment? The main principle is the substitution of "it" or "above-I" on the "I" method of interpretation of dreams and free associations.

Personal development

The psychologist not only recognized human sexuality, but also made an emphasis on it, claiming libido (thirst for sensual pleasures). Freud's development is tied to sexuality, and it appeared together with a person, and not manifested only with sexual maturation. Based on this, the following stages of personality formation were allocated:

  • Oral (birth - 1.5 years). All the pleasures of the world are concentrated in the mouth. The baby not only enjoys in the feeding process, but also explores the surrounding items with the help of the mouth.
  • Anal (1-3 years). The anus area is a fusion center, as the child is trained to protect the need for itself, is able to control the intestines and is not so fully dependent on parental care.
  • Fallicic (3-5 years). The libido is manifested in interest in sexual authorities, with which the child enjoys. At this stage, boys can form what it means to attraction to the mother in Freud, the girls are analogue - a complex of electric, or "envy to penis."
  • Latent (6-12 years). Libido subsides, social awareness comes to the fore.
  • Genital (from 12 years). Sexuality ranks first.

Is there a conclusion?

An explanation of what the person means on Freud is controversial. To consider the person only in terms of his sexuality is not worth it, because it is one-sided. However, the psychologist himself admitted that the judgments are not complete and must be challenged if new data appear. And do not forget about the fact that the work of the psychologist serve as the basis for modern sexology, they can find a description and method of treating any deviation.