
Milk-sour products. Cook classes: Preparing grain and dairy products, flour, eggs, fats and sugar for cooking and products Cereals are a source of nutrition

Culinary recipes for cottages and houses

One of the main reasons for the transition to vegetarianism among people of various ages is a desire to feel an incredible tide of strength and energy. But in practice it is not implemented not all. Nutritionists say that all the fault may not only be inability to competently compose a diet, but also ignoring products compatibility rules. And let the different authors describe them in different ways, when you are talking about the terrible epithets of the type "toxic, poisonous" in relation to incompatible combinations, but the fact remains: there are basic principles that you can and need to adhere to each vegetarian.

Compatibility: what is it and why

We all know that products in their composition are divided into several groups. True, in practice, few people use these knowledge, and in vain. The fact is that for proper operation of the digestive tract, some products are very important to use together, others - individually, and the third - in general in a special sequence. Just because in a different way they will not be able to fully split. As a result, the most terrible epithets, in relation to the food received in their own organism, will not be avoided in reality.

Why is this happening? There are several reasons:

  1. 1 On the digestion of different groups of products, the body spends different amounts of time;
  2. 2 At the same time, it produces a specific composition of enzymes that are part of the gastric juice;
  3. 3 Huge importance are bacteria in the intestines, and, therefore, the state of human health.

It is better to deal with the principles of compatibility of products helps a banal description of the mechanism of their digestion. So:

  • if you eat a quickly digestible product after that it needs long recycling, it will not be able to get out of the stomach in a timely manner. What threatens it? Subsequent fermentation, as a result of which he begins to decompose, highlighting toxic substances, in turn, causing increased gas formation, colic, rumbling, unpleasant excitement in the stomach. In practice, all this can be vested, eating fruit for dessert after a dense dinner. For the same reason, you should not use binders or contributing to the decomposition of products after eating - quince, garlic.
  • Such sensations can be found and if mixed protein and starchy food in one plate. Just because for digesting the first is needed an acidic environment, and to digest the second - alkaline, otherwise the braking of the splitting processes cannot be avoided. For the same reason, you do not need to eat carbohydrate food together with acidic fruits or sauces, for example, drink bread with tomato juice.
  • Everything can be repeated and if you eat carbohydrate food with protein. In this case, it would be nice to recall the phase of the intestinal digestion. This is when the split food in the form of a cashecture comes from the stomach into a small intestine for further processing and passes it without any problems due to the effects of the pancreatic juice. Ideally (read: subject to compatibility rules for products). And in life it is delayed there for a long time, and then finally leaves the stomach of not fully split. Of course, the same pancreas juice will complete the process of processing, but uses additional "forces", which will result in an unnecessary load on the liver, the delicate intestine and the pancreatic itself. And be sure that a person must surely feel it, feeling the "stone in the stomach".

In conclusion, along with the principles of compatibility, I would like to remind the need to maintain the intestine microflora, because it is bacteria that are in it are responsible for the transformation of fiber to nutrients or to toxins - as lucky here. But the doctors say that the result of such transformations is always noticeable with the naked eye: if there are no problems, there is no increased gas formation, and the unpleasant smell of feces.

About groups of products

In order to correctly combine products, they must be correctly qualified. It is worth noting that in different sources they can be different, but the main things are considered:

  • grain;
  • legumes;
  • greens and vegetables;
  • berries and fruits;
  • milk products;
  • nuts and seeds;
  • vegetable oils and animal fats (butter);
  • spices and herbs;
  • nutritional supplements;
  • drinks and water.

And if more or less understandable about the latter, the first group is grain, requires clarification. The fact is that the grains themselves themselves occupied a special place in our diet. The best confirmation is kept in the piggy bank of folk wisdom. But today to completely go to the porridge and it is not always possible to stay absolutely healthy. Just because it matters the method of processing grains.

Useful food is considered when all vitamins and minerals present in the initial raw materials were preserved during the processing in it. It is worth saying that in this case it will be able to correctly worry and have a positive effect on the body. On this, by the way, and built one of the principles of healthy nutrition, which stacches that nature knows how best.

Accordingly, the grain product is useful only when its "integrity" is saved. Separated from the grain of the shell or germ - it lost beneficial substances, which in some cases play a decisive role in the process of assimilation of other substances from it, for example, starch, which is contained in the inner part of the grains. And nothing, just with time, the use of such food can lead to the development of chronic diseases associated with the metabolism. This is a bright example - diabetes mellitus, which appears "from nowhere" when switching to refined sugar.

Therefore, you need to remember which cereals consist of solid or weakly recycled grain. It is oatmeal, buckwheat, pearl, millet, wheat, bone. Using them, you can enrich the organism with proteins, carbohydrates, vitamins, trace elements and food fibers. By the way, it deserves separate attention and unwanted "brown" rice, in which there is a protein sheath with vitamins of the group B, as well as baking from solid grain without yeast and sugar - special varieties of bread and all known loafs.

Pleasant news for vegetarians: With the help of porridge and bread, you can fill the shortage of carbohydrates, and protein deficiency. The main thing is to combine them with seeds, fresh cheese or bean.

Principles of product compatibility

Below are the basic rules that are based on many nutritionists. Meanwhile, they shouldn't be blindly followed because all people are different and not everyone can approach health. In some cases, when problems with digestion, for example, healthy and very useful products can harm.


  • Grain are perfectly combined with vegetables, bean, nuts and cheeses.
  • Bean - with grain, vegetables or nuts. Moreover, it is not necessary to mix them in one plate. There is a lot of recipes for vegetarian dishes made of several ingredients that meet these principles: vegetable stew with green peas, rice with nuts or seeds, vegetable soups with coarse bread flour bread.
  • Vegetables - with bean, cheeses, nuts, grain, fruit, fervent, fervent products. True, in the case of potatoes, it is better to abandon flour (bread) and sugar immediately after its use, otherwise the starch contained in it contributes to the braking of digestion.
  • Fruits - with cottage cheese, nuts, seeds, honey, germinated wheat (other grain products in combination with fruits can cause increased gas formation). Another business is dishes in which these two groups of products have been exposed to overall heat treatment, such as fruit pies, swims, casserole or dumplings. Although they should not be carried away in view of a large amount of sugar in the composition. The latter together with the starch will prevent the absorption of nutrients.
  • Sour vegetables and fruits - they deserve separate attention, as they combine only with nuts, cheeses and some types of fermented milk products, except cottage cheese. Therefore, the snacks of them are better to use separately or eat at least 10 minutes to the main meal. There is an opinion that tomatoes are well combined with Tofu and other soy products, but are not combined with grain, potatoes and bean, which is confirmed by the personal experience of the vegetarian themselves. Those notice the appearance of gravity in the stomach and the decline of the forces, which lasts up to several hours. Nevertheless, this is for some reason it does not affect vegetarian recipes, providing for rice refueling or potato salad by orange juice.
  • Vegetable oils and animal fats - practically with all products. True, it is not recommended to combine these two types of oil within one dish, otherwise the problems with digestion cannot be avoided.
  • Greens - with proteins, fermented milk products, vegetables, grain.
  • Nuts - with fruit, dairy products, dried fruits, grain, honey.
  • Drinks are not combined with anything. The habit of drinking food can actually result in discomfort in the stomach. Just because the liquid dilutes the gastric juice and slows down the process of digestion of food. Consequently, if it is, it is better to refuse it.

Eating "capricious" products

They are only 2, but they are highlighted in a separate section, since in view of the characteristics of their composition are poorly combined with any other products. Therefore, it is better to use them separately or not to use at all how nutritionists joke. This is about:

  1. 1 milk - it should be perceived as a separate food product, and not as a normal drink. The fact is that in the stomach under the influence of the acid it is collapsed. And if there are other products in it, it simply envelops them, preventing them from recycling under the influence of the gastric juice. As a result, it only pulls the process of digestion of food and turns into high gas formation, constipation and discomfort. The exception is sweet fruits, berries, honey, butter and some cereals from which dairy soups or porridge are prepared.
  2. 2 melons and watermelons - they need to be used between meals or for 15 - 20 minutes to them.

Compatibility of products is a whole science, about the rules and principles of which I first spoke in the 30s of the last century Dr. Hay. And even at first glance, they seem complex and confusing, in practice quickly and easily absorbed. And the best reward for their observance is not only excellent well-being, but also improving their own health.

So learn them, use and be healthy!

Join us!

Useful milk with low fat and low calorie content? Yes, it is - vegetable. We will tell about his kinds, properties, help choose the right and give recipes for cooking at home.

What is vegetable milk

This is called a drink from the plant ingredients in appearance and taste reminiscent of the usual milk.

Since only the product of animal origin may be called for the "milk" regulations, although the recipe sounds - almond milk, in the store it will be written in the store - the almond drink. By the way, there is also a world day of vegetable milk - August 22.

Who and why prefers vegetable milk?

Vegetable milk comes to revenue when the usual is not suitable for one or another reasons. For example, people who:

  • Do not use animal products: constantly - vegan, raw food, or temporarily - during posts.
  • Forced to abandon ordinary milk for health reasons, the recommendations of the doctor.
  • Not satisfied with the ethicality of the production of ordinary milk - the conditions for the content of cows, additives and antibiotics they receive. All this is reflected on the quality and nutrition of milk.

In addition, vegetable milk diversifies the life of gourmet, to experiment with new ingredients and new tastes. And chefs - helps to transfer the local flavor. Coconut milk is characteristic of Thailand's kitchen, and poppy milk is the usual ingredient of Russian cuisine.

Of which we do not make vegetable milk!

That's where space for creativity! Different types of grain, seeds and nuts. Take a note - sources are simple and available:

Orekhov: Almond, cedar, coconut, cashew, from pistachios, macadamia, Brazilian walnut, walnut, pecan, chestnuts and hazelnuts.

From grain and legumes: Rice (from white, brown and wild), soy, oatmeal, buckwheat, pea, rolling, barley, millet, movies, peanuts, teffa, amaranth, etc.

From seeds: Poppy, sesame, hemp, from seeds, sunflower and pumpkin seeds.

The benefits and contraindications of vegetable milk

Total for all species

Vegetable milk of each species has its own tint of taste, sending us to the source product. Spices are added for the balance of taste - cinnamon, vanilla, some sea salt, sweeteners.

We recommend to consume vegetable milk in reasonable limits and alternate its views. Thanks to the rotation, the menu will get a variety of vitamins, macro- and microelements. It is easier and more pleasant than calculating the benefits of each type of milk.

Vegetable milk, in contrast to the animal does not contain:

Lactose (milk sugar) - Some people do not have an enzyme necessary for splitting it, which causes the intolerance to dairy products.

Casein (beta-casein a1) - It is present in milk most of the breeds of cows. It was the beta-casein A1 who scientists and doctors are increasingly called the true cause of milk intolerance. It was shown that A1 beta-casein is split into the gastrointestinal tract with the release of a peptide beta-qazomorphin-7 (BCM7), which has opioid properties and can cause inflammatory processes in the body.

Cholesterol - People with violations of its exchange use of dairy products is not recommended.

Unwanted consequences of the use of vegetable milk are most often associated with allergic reactions to the substrate, from which it is manufactured - Oats, nuts, soybeans, legumes and additives used by manufacturers: flavors, emulsifiers, vegetable oil.

About different types

Soy milk

Soy milk contains potassium and magnesium, calcium, proteins and fatty acids. It helps to reduce cholesterol levels, improved blood circulation and wound healing.

A distinctive feature of soy milk is the presence of Isoflavon in it - a natural substance, which belongs to the group of phytoestrogen. According to the structure of phytoestores, human estrogen is similar, but less active.

The presence of Isoflavon, on the one hand, helps women cope with defined syndrome, on the other hand, a unwanted milk with a unwanted product for pregnant and nursing women.

However, with proper production, the amount of isoflavone in soybean milk is so small that dozens of liters need to drink daily that any changes could occur.

Oatmeal milk

Oatmeal milk is rich in vitamins of the group B, contains calcium, phosphorus, iron, antioxidants.

Due to the high content of fiber, oatmeal strengthens the digestive system and gives a feeling of satiety. And the container beta-glucan helps to reduce cholesterol and bile acids in the intestine.

Oatmeal milk normalizes metabolism and has low calorieness, so ideal for those who seek to lose weight or not to gain extra kilograms.

In oatmeal with a large probability, it contains gluten. In the case of its absence there is a special mark on the packaging. And oat milk is not suitable for diabetics.

Rice milk

The rice milk contains fiber, vitamins B3, B6, iron, copper and magnesium. Such milk will be useful in insomnia, stress, chronic fatigue, to improve the condition of the skin and the operation of the digestive system.

Some manufacturers additionally saturate the finished product with vitamins A, D, B12 and calcium.

Rice does not contain gluten, so rice milk is suitable for people with intolerance to this protein. Calorie rice milk - approximately 52 kcal per 100 grams.

Recently, they write about the content of arsenic in rice. Accurate data on varieties, places of growth and so on is not given, but scientists do not recommend using rice milk for feeding infants and in food nutrition. For adults, the use of rice milk is safe.

Coconut milk

Coconut milk has low calorie content and is able to quickly absorb the body. It is just a storehouse of nutrients.

It contains 24 amino acids, polyunsaturated acids of the Omega-3, 6, 9 class, vitamins B, a, C, PP, K, E, mono- and disaccharides, copper, sodium, selenium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, magnesium, zinc , manganese, essential oils, fatty acids (palmitic, laurice, whimping, stearinovaya).

Thanks to this rich composition, the use of coconut milk has a beneficial effect on the cardiovascular and gastrointestinal system, stabilizes the hemoglobin level, the content of glucose and cholesterol in the blood, improves the brain and accelerates the set of muscle mass.

Almond milk

In the almond milk contains calcium, phosphorus, manganese, zinc, copper, potassium, magnesium. Vitamins A, E, C, B1-B9. For example, the daily rate of vitamin E will provide 200 ml of almond milk. Therefore, this milk is useful for the nervous system, muscles, skin.

In addition, the almond milk contains sufficient fatty acids omega-3, omega-6, omega-9, which help in the work of the cardiovascular system. Calorie - Approximately 51 kcal per 100 grams.

How to get vegetable milk

Consider the production on the example of almond and soy milk:

Almond milk

  1. Solid nuts are soaked and washed.
  2. Then crushed with a cold way to homogeneous mass. It is important to exclude heating during grinding to prevent the destruction of beneficial substances and fat oxidation.
  3. After the filtering is beginning in the machines, like "Franch Press" through a small grid, which separates particles of nuts, while maintaining fibers / fiber. Thus, the almond milk is thick and saturated. The main task, the solution of which took the years from technologists - to maintain proteins, fats and nutrients after filtration in almond milk.
  4. Finally, the final stage is aseptic filling, which allows to preserve freshness and quality during the entire storage period.

Soy milk

  1. Soybean milk is obtained as a result of extraction in the water of all useful, which is contained in soybeans. Mounting soybeans are crushed with water on special mills and filter.
  2. The remaining cake, which is called Okha, resembles a thick porridge. It is nutritious and useful, but requires additional culinary processing.
  3. The leaky liquid is boiled and easily, sometimes thermal processing occurs after packaging.
  4. High temperature neutralizes unwanted enzymes and a specific taste in soy milk. Before packing, adding taste additives.

What can be found in stores

For many years, vegetable milk was exotic - it's easier to cook at home than to buy in stores. First, imported brands appeared on sale.

The most famous and to this day remains Alpro. From Belgium. They have soybean milk in the line with different tastes, almond, hazelnut, from cashews, coconut, oatmeal and rice. There is also a line of plant yogurts, desserts and cream.

The stores also present:

Isola Bio. - Milk from rice, oats, shells, barley, millet, sorghum, almond and soy.

Scotti. - rice milk in various combinations (chocolate, with additive of vitamins), including made of brown rice, from the movies and oatmeal.

Foco and Aroy-D - Coconut milk and cream.

From domestic, until recently, it was possible to buy only soy milk. The most famous manufacturer Company " Soymik " (Previous name "Soyko"). We produce two types - natural without additives and vanilla.

Now there are still three domestic brands of vegetable milk - Bite, Ne Moloko and "Flora" on the shelves.

Bite. From Biofoodlab - almond, rice with coconut, oatmeal, soy and soybean with vanilla. The feature of the line - does not contain sugar and a bright design that continues a series of bars.

Ne moloko. From the "Dutch gardens" - three types of oatmeal: classic, light and chocolate. Please note that rapeseed oil is present. It contains more Omega-6 than necessary for the body, which can cause inflammatory processes. At the same time, it is a cheap ingredient, and perhaps it is precisely the low price of the product.

"Flora" - The company produces rice, soy and oatmeal milk, under contract in Spain. Does not contain sugar, as part there are refined deodorized sunflower oil.

How to choose the right

  1. Carefully read the composition on the label.
  2. If there is sugar in any form, it is possible to see another product.
  3. The Bio / Organic certificate will be plus.
  4. The presence of salt, sunflower oil, preservatives - rather minus. The more simpler, the better.
  5. Lecitin is not scared, it is useful for the liver, brain and nervous system.
  6. Sleepen options - without wheat, rye and barley, preferably.

How to do yourself

Try cooking vegetable milk. Let's give three recipes: oatmeal, almond, coconut.

Helpful advice: By changing the ratio of water to the dry part, we obtain a consistency from the light "milk" to saturated "cream".

"Lively" milk from sprouted oats:


  • Sprouted oats (soaked for several hours of Holozer Oats, and then leave for extension in the container from 12 to 36 hours) - 1/4 cup;
  • Water - 4 cups.


1. Make Oats.

2. Mix all the ingredients and load in a blender, grind at high speed 2-3 minutes.

3. Filter in any convenient way.

Almond milk, chief:


  • Unked almonds, pre-closed for 6-10 hours, washed - 1 cup;
  • Coconut chips - optional;
  • Cinnamon stick (or replace with ground) - 1/2;
  • Water - 5 glasses;
  • Sea salt of fine grinding - pinch;
  • Sweetener (Stevioside, Honey, Toba Syrup, Agava Syrup, etc.) - to taste;
  • Unrefined linen or cedar oil - 1 tbsp. l.


1. We beat all the ingredients in the blender.

2. Fix through a gauze or a dense mesh or a special bag for walnut milk.

3. To use stored in the refrigerator.

Simplified version: Beat almond and water.

Coconut milk, version "from scratch" and simple.


  • Large mature coconut.


1. Remove the fiber from coconut, my.

2. Find on it eyes-deepening and porch by a row.

3. Through the resulting openings, pour coconut water into a bowl.

4. We divide the coconut on the part and clean each of them from the shell and from the inner brown crust.

5. We rub the purified white coconut flesh on the shallow grater or grind in the combine.

6. We put it in a bowl of coconut water, pour warm water (so that it covers the whole pulp) and insist for several hours so that the water is saturated with the aroma and taste of coconut.

7. Focusing through the gauze (you can use a special bag for walnut milk).

8. When the whole liquid is somewhat, twisted the cloth and it should be pressed to use coconut milk to the last drop.

Simplified version: Whip the chips with water in a blender. Focus. Now we have two beautiful foods at once: coconut milk and low-fat coconut chips!

Grain products are important in human nutrition as sources:

    dietary fiber (fiber);


    vitamins group B;

    iron and other minerals.

They have a low fat content (if not added when cooking dishes and products).

Restrictions: Practically absent for products without adding fat and sugar, do not contain vitamin C

Grain products belongs an extremely important role in human nutrition. It is enough to list the products included in this group (bread and bakery, cereals, pasta) to understand their indispensability. In Ukraine and Russia, the most important cereal - wheat, rye, barley, oats, corn, buckwheat, rice.

The central part of the grain of cereals - endosperm consists of starch. The grain is covered with several shells, which contain many essential foodstuffs - vitamins and minerals. The main product of grain - flour. In the process of obtaining flour, the grain is grinding and most of it is separated by a large part of the shells and the embryo of grain, which form the bran fraction. The separation of bran is caused by the fact that in the embryo contains fats, which are oxidized during storage, causing damage to flour.

The content of foodstuffs in the flour depends on the number of particles preserved in it - the components of the grain shells. Without going into technological details, we note that the smaller the bran is separated from the flour, the richness is considered to be a grinding of grain, the darker of flour color. Such flour is called the flour of lower varieties (wallpaper and flour of the 2nd grade). The smaller the bran remains in the flour, it is white and called the flour of the highest varieties (higher and 1st grades). Since bran is more contained various vitamins and minerals than in the inside of the grain, the coarse grinding of flour, the greater the content of vitamins, minerals and dietary fibers. The differences in the composition of flour of different grinding are also reflected on the composition of products produced from flour. The most valuable is flour obtained from solid grain, as bran is not removed from it.

When receiving croup of grain, bran is also partially removed, but there are more of them in the cereal than in the flour of higher grades.

Bread and bakery products

Without bread almost impossible to live and day. Bread never comes and contains almost everything necessary for nutrition essential foods, with the exception of vitamin C. This is an indispensable food for any age, with the exception of only infants. In our country, adults consume 250-350 g bread per day.

For the production of flour, grain of wheat and rye are used. Flour mixed with water and yeast - dough - bursting bubbles of carbon dioxide, which form yeast from carbohydrates. White bread bakes from wheat flour. When adding to the test of rye flour, black bread gets. Although black bread is called rye, it is only part of rye flour, and most of the wheat flour. The bread makes a significant part of the cooking salt consumed.

Peoples of the world have their own bread varieties. Their great set. Our Russian bread varieties, especially black bread, are distinguished by very good food properties, well saved, give a sense of saturation. There is every reason to be proud of Russian bread and maintain unique recipes for its production.

There is an erroneous opinion that the consumption of bread is the reason for the widespread dissemination of obesity. This is completely contrary to the scientific idea of \u200b\u200bthe nutritional properties of bread and obesity mechanisms. It must be remembered that in our time no one eats just bread. Bread is used with something. The oil smeared on the bread rather may be the cause of overeating, but not bread itself.

Double Test Products

Bakery products include a wide range of products obtained from flour with various additives that improve taste - sugar, eggs and oil. The dough is a dough made with the addition of fat, eggs and sugar. With a large number of sugar and fat, bakery products turn into confectionery products - cakes and cakes that are little similar to food properties on flour products, although it makes them the basis. Cookies, gingerbread and buns occupy an intermediate position between bread and cakes and cakes. If in the flour, the main part of the common caloric content provides starch, then in confectionery, fats and simple sugars. It is such products, and not simple bakery products, may be the cause of excessive consumption of fat and energy, contributing to obesity.

The less dough the dough, the more useful. Culinary craftsmanship is to make the dough less doubt, but tasty. To do this, use various flavor additives or included in the product filling. For example, pies with apples or other fruit stuffing can be prepared from a not very bathdow dough, but thanks to the fruit filling, they are tasty without a large amount of fat and sugars.


These are flour products of long-term storage. Macaroni made of wheat flour of very high quality and water with the addition of eggs, milk and other additives. Release pasta of various shapes, each of which has its name: Vermicelli, horns, tubes, noodles, etc. All of them are about the same nutritional value. From macaroni you can cook a variety of independent dishes and side dishes.


The croup is obtained from various grain crops by removing the upper shells of grain. At the same time, a certain amount of fiber, minerals and vitamins, which are contained in grain shells. Cropa is stored for a long time and is used to prepare a variety of dishes.

The main Russian dish from the cereals is a porridge that cooks in water or milk cooking. Creamy oil, fruit, raisins add to porridge for taste. Currently, quickly prepared porridges are produced, to which it is enough to add milk or water - and porridge is ready without cooking. Porridge both dairy and in the form of a garnish can be used in any meal.

As for the proverb, "porridge oil will not spoil", the modern nutrition science says that the food value of grain and porridge can be spoiled by a large amount of oil, as illustrated when the characteristic of the dough has been illustrated. It is recommended to use porridge with a small amount of oil and sugar.

Grain products are well combined with milk and dairy products. A mixture of porridge with milk gives a high-quality mixture of proteins. Milk complements the porridge proteins, makes them more full-fledged food properties.

Flakes from grain

Flakes, sticks, balls, rings are prepared from corn, rice, oats, wheat. Flakes are easily twisted in any liquid. They do not need to boil, so they are sometimes called fast-prepared food. They can be used with milk, juice.

Grain products combine the numerous group of components of the diet resulting from the technological processing of cereal plants: wheat, rye, oats, buckwheat, rice, corn, barley, millet, sorghum. In historical terms, grain products have always constituted the foundation of the majority of the world's population, with the exception of residents of the Far North.

The grain of most food crops consists of three parts: endosperma (85% of the total mass), the embryo (1.5% of the total mass) and the shell (13.5% of the total mass). Endosperm consists of starch and protein. The protein is also contained in the embryo. In shells and embryos, fat, dietary fiber, bulk of vitamins and minerals are concentrated.

The nutrient composition of grain crops is average characterized by the presence of 10 ... 12% protein, 2 ... 4% fat, 60 ... 70% carbohydrates. Grain products are the main sources of complex carbohydrates (starch) in human nutrition, providing 70 ... 90% of the receipt of this macronutrient with food. The grain protein (especially endosperma) is deficient on lysine and threonine and has a low biological value. At the same time, however, as part of a mixed diet, cereals provide about 40% of the need for protein.

A small amount of fat in the embryo and shells has a high nutritional value, since it contains an indispensable PNGC (linoles and linolen), phospho lipids, tocopherols. The germinal part of the grain also contains phytoestrogens and phytosterols, which have known biological activity.

Traditional grain processing products of flour and cereals are sources of vegetable protein, carbohydrates (poly-

saccharide), vitamins in 1, in 6, pp, folic acid, magnesium,

In the production process of flour and grain cereals in various

the degrees are removed by the shell and the germ part - the so-called bran. The more bran is removed from the flour, the more her grade. In the flour of the highest and 1st grades of bran many times less than in the flour of the 2nd variety and the wallpaper. Thus, the technology of production of flour and cereals causes significant losses of pheys, vitamins (groups B and E), mineral substances. To compensate for the technological losses of the specified NUT-Riirts, agriculture and croup of vitamins (B, 2, PR) and mineral substances (iron) are developed and used.

Ceres.Production of grain cereals is associated with the removal of outer shells, the embryo (peeling, grinding) and grinding (crushing). Currently, to increase the degree of readiness of barbecues (only minimal culinary impact is required), additional mining technologies (hyperbaric, temperature) are used. In the production of grain cereals, the output of the finished product is 50 ... 75% depending on the degree of processing and cleaning. In this case, the same patterns are observed as in the production of flour: the degree of its processing, the less micronutrients and dietary fibers remain in the final product.

The most common cereals in nutrition of the population can be used either daily in small quantities (for example, 4 ... 5 tablespoons of the finished "Hercules"), or two or three times a week in the form of a portion of porridge or a cereal side disk. The most common includes the following cereals:

Manna, "Artek" - Wheat;

Oatmeal, "Hercules", Tolokly - Oats;

Rice - rice;

The nucleus, has done - buckwheat;

Millet - millet;

Pearl, bone - barley;

Corn - corn.

The greatest nutritional value is celebrated in buckwheat and oatmeal. The lap on the gastrointestinal tract during digestion is made by semolina and rice.

Craises belong to long-term storage products due to the fact that their humidity should not exceed 15%. In the croups, as in the grain, the presence of various impurities (metal photographs, seed plants, insects) is strictly regulated.

Currently, high-tech grain processing products are widely prevalence - flakes used as ready-made components of the diet as part of

Personal dishes: Flakes with milk, muesli (blend of flakes with nuts, seeds, dried fruits, etc.). The advantage of grain flakes is the technological simplicity of their enrichment by vitamins and minerals, high taste and speed of preparation at home.

The flour of grain crops underlies the formulation of such widespread products such as bakery products and pasta.

Bread.The bread belongs to the main daily diet products, has high nutritional values \u200b\u200band provides the body with complex carbohydrates (starch and food fibers), proteins, vitamins (in 1, 2, in 6, RR, F OL -Acin, E), magnesium, iron. With energy consumption 2,800 kcal, it is necessary to include daily bread of various varieties in the amount of 360 g (nine standard pieces).

Bread production is associated with various technologies caused by historical and national features. It is based on the cooking processes and pastries. Modern methods of cooking test include both traditional (yeast) fermentation processes and the use of various nutritional supplements (bars, enzyme preparations, etc.). The main transformations in the ripening of the dough and baking of bread occur in protein colloids (gluten) and carbohydrate flour compositions: in the first stage due to their fermentation and swelling as a result of absorption of moisture, and on the final - as a result of the brains of starch and coagulation of proteins.

The quality of the bread directly depends on the characteristics of flour and other components of the formulation, the execution of technological regulations and storage conditions. An increase in humidity, an increase in acidity and a decrease in porosity worsen not only organoleptic scrapers, but also its digestion and degree of digestibility of nutrients.

The activity of bread is associated with loss of starch colloid ability to hold water, which in these conditions goes into gluten. With increasing temperature (in a hot oven or furnace), water moves back to the starch colloid, thus attaching reversibility to act.

Bread, as a rule, does not serve as a medium for the development and reproduction of microorganisms that can cause food poisoning. At the same time, there are several forms of microbiological deterioration of bread, which are reason to eliminate its use in nutrition: mold, potato disease, damage to pigment-forming bacteria.

Molding bread is due to the development of Penicillum Glaucum genus mushrooms, Aspergillus Glaucum, Mucor MuCedo. Development

mold fungi occurs with high humidity of bread and is accompanied not only by the deterioration of the appearance of products

that, but also the appearance of unpleasant odor and accumulation of toxic compounds.

Potato (damaging) disease occurs as a result of development in the poultry of sporing saprophytic bacteria of the genus Mesente-Ricus, widespread in the environment. Only wheat bread, characterized by high humidity and low acidity, is affected by potato disease, with its improper storage (high temperature, bad ventilation) in the summer. The mistakes of the affected bread is a sticky, hard, dirty brown mass with the smell of rotting fruit.

In violation of the regulations for the storage of wheat bread (high humidity and temperature) on the surface of the products can intensively multiply the pigment-forming microorganisms of V. Prodigiosus (wonderful chopstick) with the formation of bright red mucous stains.

Prevention of lesions of bread by microorganisms of damage is strictly observing the technological regulations of production and sanitary conditions of bread storage.

Pasta. TOit belongs a wide range of products made of top quality wheat flour, sometimes with the addition of eggs and milk: vermicelli, spaghetti, horns, noodles, etc. Pasta is characterized by high nutritional value and calorie. They are subject to long-term storage and quickly brought to culinary readiness. Pasta is based on numerous combined dishes, such as pastes. However, the feasibility of their daily use in nutrition depends on the level of energy consumption: with a sedentary lifestyle, it is recommended to include in the diet of no more than one or two pasta dishes per week.

Confectionery. TOthis type of product includes products with the addition of oil, sugar, eggs into the dough. Feed bakery products can be divided into two groups: flour confectionery (cookies, gingerbread cookies, sweet buns, etc.) and cream confectionery (cakes, cakes). The main difference between the nutritional value of confectionery products from this indicator in bread is that the caloric content of the latter is determined by the starch, while in the bonded and cream products - sugar and fat. Because of this, the use of feet confectionery should be as limited as possible, especially in persons with low energy consumption. The degree of such restriction is quite consistent with the formula: "The less - the better."

When choosing a food produced based on grain, preference should be given out products from solid grain

On, flour with maximum preservation of bran (2nd grade and wallpaper), as well as enriched products. Grain products containing more than 50% of solid grain components belong to the so-called healthy food products and are recommended for daily inclusion in the diet in the amount of one-second portions.

To increase the food (primarily biological) value of products based on grain optimal, you can consider combinations of croup, dough, pasta with milk and dairy products, meat, eggs: porridge with milk, pies with appropriate fillings, pizza, paste (combined pasta ), dumplings, dumplings, pasta with cheese, etc.

The role of grain products in the occurrence of human diseases and the formation of alien load.Reducing the quality of the grain and its damage is possible as a result of contamination by its mold mushrooms, seeds of weeding plants and insect pests (ticks, beetles, butterflies).

In natural conditions, a constant epiphytic microflora is present on the surface of the grain (not a danger to a person) and the phytopathogenic microflora, which under certain conditions (high humidity and temperature) can cause various grain damage, making it unsuitable due to the accumulation of natural toxic compounds.

The grain is controlled by the content of such fungi, as a head, dispatch, as well as mushrooms producing mycotoxins (clay fusarium, aspirgilum).

The grain can be contaminated with seeds of weed plants containing natural toxins - alkaloids, saponins, globysis: Gorchak, Sofora, Thermopsis, Kuska, Vyssel, Trevel, Three-Khodesma, Heliotrop.

Of all the alien substances normed in grain (Table 3.2), mycotoxins, pesticides and toxic elements are made of the greatest contribution to the community load.

Table 3.2. Alien substances normed in grain and impurities

Ending table. 3.2.

1 NDMA - nitrosodimethylamine.

2 NDEA - nitrosodiethylamine.

3 dichlorodiphenylthrichlorethan.

The quality control of grain during its cultivation and receipt is carried out by the relevant service of the Ministry of Agriculture of the Russian Federation (Ministry of Agriculture of Russia). State Sanitary and Epidemiological Supervision is carried out in relation to the production and turnover of food based on grain.

3.2.2. Bean

Bean belongs a variety of foods used everywhere in nutrition. Historically, it was as widely as possible, they are included in the diet in the Asian region and are less presented in the Middle Eastern nutrition. A group of legumes includes actually beans (various species), peas, beans, lentils, soy, nut, mash, rank, as well as peanuts, but by virtue of tradition, he is considered at the consumer level as a nut.

The nutrient composition of leguminous plants (with the exception of soybeans) is characterized by an average presence,%: protein - 20 ... 24; Fat - 2 ... 4; Starch - 38 ... 44; dietary fiber - 6 ... 12; Iron - 3 ... 11 mg %. The protein content reaches 35%, fat - 17%, dietary fiber - 10.5 %, iron - 15 mg%, with a low level of starch - 3.5%.

Bean proteins have the greatest biological value among herbal products, yielding to animal proteins on balanced by essential amino acids (mainly sulfur-containing) and digestibility. The fat component is distinguished by a high PNGC content and the sum of the tocopherol. Beans can also be considered as good food sources of folates, iron, potassium, magnesium.

Most often in the Middle Eastern diet in natural form turns on peas and beans. The use of legumes in nutrition is difficult due to their low digestibility and digestibility, which can be elevated as a result of pre-culinary processing (for example, pea and beans), as well as long-term fermentation or deep technological processing (for soy).

Soybean is currently used after high-tech industrial processing in the form of protein products (soy flour and its textured forms, isolate and hydroly-set soy protein) as a component of combined recipes, such as sausages, meat and fish semi-finished products, confectionery. Other soybean processing products are also used in nutrition: soybean oil, fermented soy products, soy milk and products based on it (miso, tofu, ice cream, mayonnaise), soy seedlings. Of soybeans, high-mentioned food components are also obtained: lecithin and fructose used in the production of a wide range of products.

At the same time, in soy products, for example, in soy flour, biologically active compounds (substances with a zob-gene effect) are contained, antalimental factors (tripsin inhibitors) and unsecured components (oligosaccharides), which reduces the food value of the product containing soy flour and for Some categories of the population are limiting factors when inclusive in the diet.

In recent years, special attention has been particularly affected by the presence of biologically active compounds related to the group of so-called phytoestrogens: isoflavones and lignans.

Soam isoflavones (genistin, diadoxin, glycytin) have estrogenic activity, interacting directly with specific receptors of various tissues.

Lignan (enteroodiol and enterolactone) have similar biological activity, but in contrast to isoflavones, they are also contained in grain, seeds, some berries (strawberries, cranberries), fruits (kiwi), vegetables (asparagus), tea, coffee and for those of this are The main phytoestrogens of the Middle Eastern diet.

3.2.3. Vegetables, greens, fruits, fruits and berries

Vegetables greens, fruits, fruits and berries (hereinafter - vegetables and fruits belong to the group of plant products of mandatory daily use. This group is one of the most numerous on the range (Table 3.3) and includes dozens of traditional food products, conditionally Speaking, vegetables and fruits make up the second significant part of the vegetable product group, complementing grain and

Table 3.3.

Vegetable products used in Pete mannia man

Vegetables and fruits are exceptional sources of essential essential nutrients: ascorbic acid, (3-carotene, bioflavonoids. They contain food fibers, magnesium, potassium, iron, folic acid, vitamin K. From carbohydrates, natural forms of mono- and Disaccharides, and in a number of vegetables (potatoes) and significant amount of starch. The protein in vegetables and fruits is 0.3 ... 2.5% and has a deficiency of essential amino acids (leucine and sulfur-containing).

At the same time, low fat contents (less than 1%), sodium and chlorine are observed in vegetables and fruits. In general, they contain a lot of water and relatively few calories (with the exception of dried fruits). Vegetables and fruits in nutrition belong to the sources of alkaline components.

The composition of vegetables and fruits in the body comes a number of biologically active compounds that play an important role in human vital activity. Among them, special attention is attracted by organic acids and essential oils, providing natural regulation of digestion by enhancing enzymatic activity and motility throughout the entire gastrointestinal tract.

Among natural organic acids, apple, lemon and wine, contained in significant quantities in most fruits, berries and citrus fruits are the most common. In smaller quantities in some fruits and berries, other organic acids are found: amber - in the gooseberry, currants, grapes; Salicyl - in strawberries, raspberry, cherry; ARASY - in Malina; Benzoic - in the lingonberry and cranberries.

Some organic acids can play an antalimental role. Thus, oxalic acid present in large quantities in spinach, sorvele, rhubarb, figs, beets, forms difficult to-absorbable salts (oxalates) with calcium, magnesium and other mineral substances, significantly reducing their bioavailability.

Essential oils give vegetables and fruits peculiar taste and aroma and in small quantities are natural appetite stimulants. They also have antiseptic properties.

Tannic substances, such as the Tannins contained in blueberries or tea, on the contrary, inhibit the secretory activity of the stomach and intestines.

In recent years, special attention has been attracted to the biological role of such thiol (sulfur-containing) organic compounds as indoles. They are present in cabbage vegetables and are used by the body in the second phase of xenobiotics transformation, ensuring a decrease in the risk of developing remote consequences.

In an evolutionary plan, vegetables and fruits are the only sources in the nutrition of the green pigment - chlorophyll. Like vegetable polyphenols, chlorophyll is used by the body as an additional conjugation agent that can effectively detoxify potentially carcinogenic compounds (polyaromatic hydrocarbons, nitros-amines, aflatoxins).

Thus, vegetables and fruits with their daily arrival with the diet, being sources of essential nutrients, also naturally optimize the operation of the gastrointestinal tract and maintain a normal level of digestion as a whole due to the presence in their composition of vitamins, minerals, dietary fibers, organic acids and other biologically active compounds. Vegetables and fruits provide a normal motorcycle of the gastrointestinal tract, stimulate the production and separation of enzymes and bile, are involved in maintaining the normal intestinal microbocyne (prebiotic effect), formed cavalous masses.

Daily in the human diet with energy consumption 2,800 kcal should be included: 300 g of potatoes, 400 g of other vegetables, 50 g of legumes, 200 g of fruit, citrus and berries. Vegetables and fruits can enter the diet in the form of a separate dish or as part of complex dishes (salads, side dishes).

Vegetables and fruits can be included in the diet in a variety of types: cheese, boiled, stew, baked, fried, etc. The method of culinary processing directly determines the preservation of the food value of the product. For a number of vegetables and fruits, the most preferred form of use in food is the inclusion of a raw (thermally untreated, but washed) product (thermally untreated, but washed) or separately, or as part of a complex component recipe (salad). Such products include most fruits, fruits and berries, as well as vegetables - tomatoes, cucumbers, peppers, carrots, cabbage, dill, parsley, salad, radishes. In this case, practically no culinary losses of vitamins, minerals, biologically active compounds and the product retains its natural chemical composition.

Other ways to prepare these vegetables and fruits can reduce the food value of the finished dish. For example, during boiling and, to a lesser extent, when baking and the allowance, a loss of vitamins (especially ascorbic acid) and mineral substances occurs. At the same time, for a number of vegetables (potatoes, pumpkins, zucchini, eggplant), thermal treatment not only improves organoleptic properties, but also increases the degree of digestibility and digestibility of these products.

Any combination of vegetables and fruits within a multicomponent formulation with a significant amount of fat or sugar

PA leads to a significant reduction in the nutritional value of the finished product as a result of an increase in its calorie and wort, the ratios of macronutrients. Thus, the preparation of vegetables with the addition of fat (or even more in the fryer) increases the share of fat calories of the product to the detriment of carbohydrate and protein. The share of calories at the expense of mono and disaccharides in fruit and berry jams increases in a similar way.

Salads from raw vegetables it is advisable to refuel with a small amount of vegetable oil (mayonnaise). For fruit salads, juices or dairy products (yogurts) can be considered good refueling. Vegetables rich in carotenoids (for example, carrots), to increase the bioavailability of the latter, it is recommended to prepare in the form of a boiled dish, refilled by sour cream or oil.

Vegetables and fruits for their storage and use in food are also subjected to salting, sailing, marinency, drying, freezing. Cabbage and apples associated with milk-but-sour fermentation makes it possible to obtain a long-term storage product favorable for organoleptic properties, which has a majority of useful qualities of fresh raw materials (including a significant content of ascorbic acid). Advanced use in the nutrition of sauced, salt and pickled vegetables and fruits prevents the high content in their cooking salt.

When freezing, there is practically no loss of micro-ronutrients, which makes it possible to attribute this method of storage of vegetables and fruits to the most optimal.

Vegetables and fruits can be damaged as a result of damage to their fungi, bacteria, viruses during storage. Most damaged vegetables and fruits cannot be used for nutrition due to organoleptic restrictions, so such products do not represent real danger to humans. Examples of damage to vegetables and fruits can serve: phyotophtoric and fusarium (dry rot) in potatoes, as well as white rot in cabbage, beets, carrots, tomatoes.

Growing vegetables and fruits is associated with the wide use of mineral fertilizers (especially nitrogen) and pesticides. Considering this now in fruits and vegetables

it is normalized by the content of nitrates, pesticides (hexachlorcythlocyclo-hexane, DDT and all compounds that were used in cultivation), as well as toxic elements (lead, arsenic cadmium and mercury) and radionuclides (cesium-137 and strontium-90). Given the share of vegetables and fruits in nutrition, it can be concluded that they are the main suppliers of nitrates in the body and make a significant contribution to the overall toxic (due to pesticides, heavy metals and arsenic) and radionuclide alimentary load.

3.2.4. Mushrooms

Mushrooms belong to traditional diet products and are widely used in nutrition as part of self-dishes (fried, julienne mushrooms) and in the form of taste components of complex recipes. The food is used in food, which consists of a hat and legs and most often occupies an overnight position (the exception is truffles, the fruit body of which is in the ground).

In its chemical composition, they occupy an intermediate position between vegetable and animal products. Their nutrientogram is close to vegetable: 1 ... 3% protein, 0.4 ... 1.7 fat, 1 ... 3.5 carbohydrates, 1 ... 2.5% of food fibers, although they are significantly inferior to vegetables. and fruits for carbohydrates. In mushrooms there are also many potassium, iron, zinc, chromium, vitamins. С, РР, and they have low calorie (9 ... 23 kcal per 100 g). With animal products, they are combined by the presence of glycogen, chitin, extractive substances (purines, urea) and high phosphorus content.

The biological value of mushrooms is low: an aminoogram is characterized by a deficiency of valine and sulfur-containing amino acids, protein digestibility does not exceed 70%, which is associated with its poor digestibility.

Edible mushrooms are divided into spongy, or tubular (white, booming, boomes, butter), lamellar (freight, rims, raw materials, chanterelles, hairstyles, champignons, ve-chenki) and champions (truffles, shores). Most fungi belongs to wild species and are subject to collecting the summer-autumn season. Champignons and oysteries are artificially cultivated in specially equipped industrial premises.

Fresh mushrooms are not subject to long-term storage and refer to perishable products.

All wild-growing traditionally collected mushrooms are able to accumulate alien compounds (heavy metals, radionuclides, agrochemicals) in large volumes. Due to their ability to concentrate the contaminants in quantities, significantly

Excess their content in other medial objects, the mushrooms received the name "Ksenobiotikov traps". The list of alien substances normalized in mushrooms is similar to that for vegetables and fruits.

In addition to edible in nature, poisonous and inedible mushrooms grow (for example, pale custodia, mushrooms, false whales), the erroneous consumption of which in food can cause edible poisoning, including fatal.

3.2.5. Nuts, seeds and oilseeds

Nuts include almonds, hazelnuts, pistachios, cashews, walnuts, wild walnut (leschina), cedar nut, Brazilian walnut and being bean peanuts. All of them have a similar chemical composition: 15 ... 25% protein, 45 ... 60% fat, 5 ... 12% carbohydrates, 3 ... 10% of food fibers. Nuts contain significant amounts of potassium, magnesium, calcium, phosphorus, iron, selenium, manganese, molybdenum, cobalt, nickel, vitamins B B 2, RR, E.

The protein of nuts does not differ in high quality: there is a pronounced shortage of sulfur-containing amino acids, lysine and threonine. For the correction of the aminoogram, it is advisable to combine nutrition nuts with sources of animal proteins (meat, dairy products). Sharing nuts and grain products (for example, baking with nut-filling) only aggravates the amino acid imbalance of plant data. In this regard, the inclusion in the diet of the Muesli or other combin-rore dry breakfasts on a walnut-grain base requires their use along with dairy products (milk, yogurt, etc.).

The fat component of nuts includes a large number of PPGK and MNGC, contains many tocopherols and in its characteristics close to the composition of vegetable oils.

The seeds of oilseeds directly used in nutrition, such as sunflower seeds, have the same nutritional value.

Thus, nuts and seeds belong to products with high nutritional value. However, due to the high content of the fat component and, accordingly, large calorie content (550 ... 650 kcal in 100 g) nuts (seeds), as a rule, should not be included in the daily diet of a person in an amount exceeding 30 g.

Separate attention deserves a high allergenic potential of nuts. The possibility of sensitizing action of nuts and products containing them, detected by more than 1% of the population, requires compulsory accounting in recommendations on the use of nuts in nutrition.

Microbiological safety of nuts is controlled by the sanitary and epidemiological service according to the following indicators - bgk.P, Salmonella and mold.

Among the chemical contaminants in nuts and seeds, toxic elements, radionuclides, pesticides (hexa-chlorocyclohexane, DDT, etc.) are normalized, as well as Aflatoxin B ^ precisely with mycotoxins, the main danger of alien load on the body when using nuts and seeds in nutrition is connected.

Seeds (beans) oilseeds are raw materials when producing vegetable oils. For these purposes, sunflower seeds, rapeseed, cotton, sesame, flax, mustard, soybeans, and corn, peanuts and olives are used. A smaller edible value has an oil obtained from pumpkin seeds, tomatoes and watermelon.

Extraction of vegetable raw materials is carried out either by pressing or extraction.

Pressingrefers to the most gentle methods for obtaining a finished product and is divided in turn to cold and hot. With cold pressed, the resulting oil contains many mucous membranes, protein and other substances that reduce its storage time, and in the cake (shroke) there remains a lot of non-violent fat. With hot pressing, the oil color becomes darker, it acquires a specific aroma and is stored for a long time.

Extractionit is most effective way to maximize the oil from plants. In this case, a variety of non-tyric organic solvents are used, which are subsequently require complete removal from finished products.

After receiving, the oil is subjected to phased processing depending on the required degree of purification. The higher the degree of oil purification, the lower the nutritional value. At the same time, deep oil purification belongs to the receptions of decontamination food technology, ensuring the removal of most xenobiotics. Separately from oilseeds are distinguished by phosphathy concentrates, which are valuable food sources of phospholipids (lecithin) and are used in food production as enrichders.

In human nutrition, vegetable oils serve as the main sources of PNCH, MNL, tocopherols (vitamin E) and P-sito-sterine. An adult person with energy consumption 2,800 kcal daily must be included in the diet of 30 g (2 tablespoons) of any vegetable oil. It is desirable to use it without a long thermal impact, adding into ready-made salads and dishes.

With long-term storage and intense heat treatment (especially with air access), vegetable oils are damped: they accumulate the decay product and the transformation of fatty acids (aldehydes, ketones, peroxide radicals, epoxy).

In addition, long overheating of vegetable oils lead to essential (up to 40%) losses of essential fatty basters, in particular linolenic, as well as the destruction of phospholipot and vitamin E. At a temperature of 4 ... 6 ° C, hermetically packaged vegetable oils can be stored 6 months and more.

The quality indicators of vegetable oils are favorable organoleptic properties, as well as the characteristics of the oxidative damage: acid and peroxidant. Among the alien substances normed in the vegetable oil are toxic elements, radionuclides, pesticides, aflatoxin in].

The vegetable oils in turn are the raw material for the production of Salomas, which is obtained by hydrogenation of unsaturated fatty acids that are part of the oil, with their translation into a solid aggregate state. Double bond breaks in unsaturated fatty acids are accompanied by their isomerization with education trans-isomers.Hydrogenation is carried out at high temperatures (about 200 ° C) and in the presence of a nickel catalyst. In this case, the activity of vitamin E decreases insignificant. On the basis of Salomas, produce various varieties of margarines and so-called soft oils, adding vegetable oils, animal fats, butter, milk, sugar, salt, nutritional supplements and other components, including vitamins A and D. Salomas can be obtained from fat Sea animals and fish. Margarines have good food qualities, contain MNGC and PNCH, vitamins E, A, D. In margarines, the same chemical safety indicators are controlled as in vegetable oils, as well as nickel and polychlorinated biphenyls (the latter for products containing fish fats).

Vegetable oils are the main component of the mayonnaise - high-calorie sauce (30 ... 70% fat), designed to refuel various dishes. The mayonnaise also includes egg powder, milk powder, sugar, vinegar, mustard powder, salt and other flavored components and nutritional supplements. Mayonnaise should be included in the diet in a small amount, using instead of vegetable oil, for example, to refuel salads. Mayonnaise refers to perishable products and should be stored at a temperature of 4 ... 6 ° C. The microbiological safety of mayonnaise is controlled by the following indicators: BGK.P, Salmonella, yeast and mold.

3.3. Hygienic assessment of the quality and safety of animal products

Products of animal origin relate to the highly valued components of the diet, providing the body with high-quality

protein, available for calcium, iron, zinc, chrome, selenium, vitamins 2, in 6, PP, folic acid, retinol, vita mine D. Animal products are the only food sources of vitamin B 12. The products of animal origin include milk and dairy Products, Meat and Meat products, Bird, Fish and Seafood, Eggs. In the daily diet of a person with energy consumption 2,800 kcal Animal products should be represented by 3 ... 5 portions in total 750.-800.

3.3.1. Milk and dairy products

Milk.This product is most common in the nutrition of most people. The man is evolutionary used to getting him from birth and throughout life. Milk produces a large number of separate products, it is used when preparing a wide range of dishes.

Milk and dairy products belong to products with high nutritional values: contain significant amounts of essential nutrients, possess high digestibility and digestibility. In nutrition, milk and dairy products are the main sources of animal protein (irreplaceable amino acids), calcium, vitamins in 2 and A.

Milk - the product of the normal physiological secretion of the mammary glands of cows, sheep, goats, camels, buoyvolic, mares. Depending on the type of animal, milk is called "Cow's milk", "Goat Milk", "Sheep Milk", etc. On average in milk, the content of the main nutrients is: proteins - 2.2 ... 5.6%, fats - 1.9 ... 7.8%, carbohydrates - 4.5 ... 5.8%, calcium - 89 ... 178 mg%, phosphorus - 54 ... 158 mg%.

Milk proteins have high indicators of biological value and are absorbed by 98%. They contain a complete set of optimally balanced essential amino acids. At the same time, the cow's milk, unlike goat, sheep, or the mare has a small shortage of sulfur-containing amino acids. The composition of dairy proteins includes casein (about 82% of all proteins), lactoalbumin (12%) and lactoglobulin (6%). Casein is the main protein of milk - this phosphoproprotein, in the structure of which phosphoric acid forms a sacchard ester with oxiamino-tami (serine, threonine). Casein also forms single complexes with calcium and phosphorus, increasing their bioavailability. Lactoalbumin and lactoglobulins belong to the fractions of serum proteins and in milk who has not subjected to heat treatment, are carriers of antibiotic activity. It is with albumin and globulin that possible allergic manifestations are more connected. Mobyl and donkey

Milk fat is represented by short and mid-chain fatty acids (about 20), phospholipids and cholesterol milk fat is in partially emulsified state and is distinguished by a high degree of dispersion. By virtue of this, its digestibility requires substantially smaller stresses of the digestive apparatus (enzymatic activity, the synthesis of the bile and its secretion in the intestine). Externally, milk fat is represented in the form of balls that are capable of consolidating both in the process of passive settling of milk and with active shaking, centrifugation or heating. These reactions underlie the creation of cream and oil.

Milk short-chain fatty acids are highly biological activity. Milk fat serves as their main source in nutrition. As part of the milk peid phospholis, the presence of lecithin, forming a lecithinee-protein complex, which has the ability to stabilize a fatty milk emulsion.

The main carbohydrate of milk is unique milk sugar - lactose - disaccharide, consisting of glucose and galactose. In cow's milk, it is in the form of OS-lactose (in female milk - p-lactose, characterized by greater solubility and digestibility). The process of digesting lactose in the intestines is associated with the presence and activity of lactase enzyme, the insufficiency of which can lead to manifestations of the intolerance of all-milk products.

The mineral composition of milk is primarily a high content and optimal calcium and phosphorus balance. Calcium milk has a high bioavailability (up to 98%), represented by inorganic salts (78%) and a composure with casein (22%). Phosphorus is also in two main related forms: in the form of inorganic salts (65%) and as part of casein and phospholipids (35%).

From microelements in milk contains iron, which has a high bioavailability of a metalloprotein complex (Laktorrin). However, its total number is extremely small, which does not allow milk and dairy products to sources of iron in nutrition.

Thus, the milk will always be a source of riboflavin and retinol, and under favorable conditions (not to mention enriched) and other vitamins.

In addition to nutrients in milk, also contains biologically

active substances: enzymes, hormones, immunobiological

common, as well as pigments (lactoflavin). Thermal processing

kamandatory for milk and dairy products, significantly

reduces the activity and concentration of these connections.

The range of dairy products is extremely wide and differs both generally consumer and regional (national) diversity. Only products are made from milk (natural, normalized, reduced) or component parts (milk fat, milk protein, milk sugar, milk enzymes, milk, milk salts, milk salts), or secondary milk raw materials (technological waste obtained during separation Milk, the production of cottage cheese, casein, oil and cheese) without the use of small fat and protein in it. It is allowed to use allowed food additives and combining with fruits, vegetables and products of their processing.

All dairy products are produced on the basis of natural milk-raw- milk without removal and additives of dairy and non-combustible components subjected to primary processing (cleaning from mechanical impurities and cooling to a temperature (4 ± 2) ° С after a feather).

All natural dairy products with sufficient measure of convention are divided into three groups: milk and liquid dairy products, solid protein-fat products (concentrates) and butter. A group of liquid dairy products includes drinking milk, cream and dairy products.

Drinking milk -this is a fresh milk product with a mass fraction of fat, as a rule, from 0.5 to 6%, made from natural milk-raw milk (or reduced from milk milk) without adding metering components and the heat treatment.

Dry milk (milk powder) is made by film or spray drying of natural milk-raw milk to create long-term storage reserves (6 months or more). At the same time, the food and biological value of the product is inevitably reduced due to partial destruction of vitamins, reducing the availability of amino acids and the loss of other nutrients. However, dry milk is a high product, while maintaining a significant part of the properties of natural milk. Dry milk is subject to restoration into a liquid product, so its solubility must be at least 70%. Spray drying gives higher solubility - up to 98%.

Cream -this is a fresh milk product with a mass fraction of fat 10% or more, made of milk without adding non-milk components.

TO dairy productsdifferent products produced from natural thermally treated milk without adding gem components using special starts and the use of specific technologies

acidoofilin is a product made by milk to beveling with pure cultures of lactococcular milking acidophilic chopsticks, cooked on kefir fungi in equal ratios;

ayran is a national product of mixed milk-sour and alcohol fermentation, made by milk rod with pure cultures of thermophilic milk-sour streptococci, milk-sour Bulgarian sticks and yeast;

varetan is a national product made by roding sterilized or heat treatment at a temperature of (97 ± 2) ° C for 40 ... 80 minutes of milk with pure cultures of thermophilic milk-sour streptococci;

kefir - the national product of mixed milk-sour and alcohol fermentation, made by the rod of milk, cooked on kefir fungi without adding pure cultures of milk-acid bacteria and yeast;

kumys - the national product of mixed milk-sour and alcohol fermentation, made by the rod of the mare milk with pure cultures of the Bulgarian and acidophilic milk-sour chopsticks and yeast;

prostokvash - the national product made by the milk rod with pure crops of lactococci and / or thermophilic milk-acid streptococci;

mesnikovskaya Prostokvasha - the national product made by the milk-powered milk cultures of thermophilic milk-sour streptococci and the Bulgarian stick;

ryazhenka is a national product made of a mixture of foam milk and a cream with a rush with clean crops of thermophilic milk-sour streptococcal;

sour cream - a product manufactured by the cream of cream with clean crops of lactococcal or a mixture of pure crops of lactococcal and thermophilic milk-acid streptococci in the ratio (0.8 ... 1,2): 1;

yogurt is a product with an elevated content of dry low fatty substances of milk, made by bowering a pro-tosimbiotic mixture of pure cultures of thermophilic milk-sour streptococcal and bellish sticks. The composition of yogurts may include nutritional supplements, fruits, vegetables and their products.

Most of the dairy products belong to the so-called probiotic dairy productsmade with the addition of living crops of probiotic microorganisms and

prebiotics. The content of probiotic microorganisms in the finished sour milk product at the end of the shelf life should be at least 10 7 in 1 g of the product, and yeast (with their use) at least 10 4 (for Kumysa - 10 3) in 1 g of the product.

Everybody in the diet of an adult healthy person with energy consumption 2,800 kcal of milk and liquid dairy products (in any assortment) should be included at least 500 g.

Protein fatty dairy products, which include cottage cheese and cheeses, contain 14 ... 30% protein, up to 32% fat and 120 ... 1 000 mg% calcium. In the cheese, there is also a high sodium content - up to 1,000 mg%.

It is important to remember that the digestibility of calcium from fatty dairy products is declining directly in proportion to the fat in them, which is associated with the washing of this mineral and the restriction by virtue of its bioavailability.

Cottage cheese.This is a sour milk product, made by milk to milk with pure crops of lactococci or a mixture of pure crops of lactococcal and thermophilic milk-sour streptococci in the ratio (1.5 ... 2.5): 1 due to the use of acid, acid-reneeing or thermosal coagulation methods. Proteins with subsequent serum removal by self-presses or pressing. In the cottage, no less than 10 6 are some milk-acid bacteria in 1 g of the product, and the mass fraction of the protein should be at least 14% (without adding metering components). Curd masses and soft curd products are prepared from cottage cheese.

Curd -this is a paste, preserving a form without packaging, made of cottage cheese with the addition of butter or cream (with a mass fraction of cream oil or cream at least 5%). In the curd mass, the addition of fruits, zucats, dried fruits, nuts, greens, which not only improves (makes more diverse) organoleptic properties, but also increases the food value of the finished product.

Soft curd productsthey are manufactured on the basis of cottage cheese and other dairy components and vegetable raw materials and can vary by fat content from 0 to 15%. At the same time, the content of mono- and disaccharides can increase in the curd masses and soft curd products, both at the expense of fruit-berry additives and as a result of direct administration of sugar.

Cheese.According to the method of manufacture, they are divided into reels and dairy-sour. Ravenly cheeseprepare by treating milk with a rennet enzyme (himozin) isolated from the stomach of lambs or calves or the resulting genetic engineering method. IN the result of the effects of hymosine is formed solid clutch,

which further matures depending on the grade of cheese from several days (cheens, suluguni) to several months (solid cheeses). In the process of fermentation of cheeses, the main place is occupied by hydrolytic and milky-sour cleavage of proteins and the transformation of lactose into lactic acid.

For milk-sour cheesethe main process of their maturation is milk bumping with special bacterial cultures with subsequent ripening and seal.

Depending on the appearance of the cheese, the cheese is divided into solid (Dutch, Schweiger, Russian, etc.), soft (Rokfort, Dorogoborovsky), brine (Brynza, Suluguni) and melted. The melted cheese includes a large group of packaged (small-piece) products produced on the basis of cheese with the addition of butter, dry milk and various BC-comparison additives.

Cottage cheese and cheese have high nutritional values \u200b\u200b(according to the content of essential nutrients, biological value, digestibility, digestibility). At the same time, the high content of animal fat in the products of this group is a limitation for their expanded use in nutrition.

Butter.This is a dairy fat concentrate obtained from pasteurized cream by knocking or heating. Butter contains from 72.5 to 82.5% of dairy fat (the inclusion of other types of fats is not allowed), 16 ... 25% water and minor quantities of protein and carbohydrates (less than 1%). In the creamy oil contains vitamins A and D, and in the summer period (natural feed) and B-carotene. Creamy oil, like the whole dairy group, is a source of biologically active short-chain fatty acids (the so-called "volatile"). Their high content significantly limits the oil storage time (up to 15 days at a temperature of the household refrigerator). At temperature -6 ...- 12 ° C butter can be stored for up to one year.

A decrease in high-quality indices of butter is often associated with the processes of oxidation of lipid components during the storage of the product, especially in the presence of oxygen and in the light. As a result, such patterns of butter are arise as turning and insalidation. An indicator of oxidative damage controlled in oil is the acidity of the fat phase, which should not exceed 2.5 degrees of Kettster.

chih substances of milk in dry substances of a product at least 25%. The most common milk-containing products include ice cream and condensed milk.

Ice creamit is made from dairy raw materials with the addition of sugar, egg products, chocolate, flavoring substances, food additives. It refers to high-length products combining the main advantages of dairy products and high consumer qualities. Ice cream allows you to diversify a dairy product group, expanding the choice for a wide range of consumers. At the same time, the high content of mono- and disaccharides (40 g in 200 g of ice cream) and fats (in chocolate cream varieties up to 20%) is a limitation to use ice cream as an equivalent replacement of part of the dairy product in dairy products in dairy

Even more negative changes in nutritional value occur in the manufacture condensed milk- canned food produced at high temperatures (up to 120 ° C) with sugar. Condensed milk belongs to high-calorie products - hidden sources of fat and sugar. Its use in nutrition in direct form must be limited as much as possible, especially at low levels of energy consumption.

In the process of milk processing, significant quantities are formed highly compound in the food ratio of secondary components: the reverse - the degreased milk (in the production of cream), serum (in the production of cheeses), strata (in oil production). All of them contain high-quality protein and can be used in the production of dairy products and obtaining individual food components (mainly protein) to use them as food processors. Currently, a number of milk-protein concentrates are produced from the secondary dairy raw materials: sodium caseinate, ka-zecitis, serum concentrates, dry demineralized serum, which are used in the manufacture of high nutritional products in the bakery industry, sausage production, etc.

The role of milk and dairy products in the occurrence of human diseases and the formation of alien load. Milk can be a factor in the transfer of a number of animal diseases. These primarily include especially dangerous infections, as well as tuberculosis, brucellosis and lush.

Animals affected by Siberian ulcers, rabies, plague of horned cattle, malignant swelling, an enfisatous carbuncle, are subject to a cauldron and burial in place in the manner prescribed by the legislation of the Russian Federation. In the post-china period after vaccination from Siberian ulcers, you can

Receive food milk only if there is equipment in the household for boiling.

Milk from animals, patients with tuberculosis with clinical forms of manifestation, is not suitable for the purposes of nutrition and is subject to non-urate disposal or destruction. Milk, obtained from animals, patients with brucellosis or infected by brucelluses (according to allergic samples), as well as positively reacting to tuberculin sample, can be used in power after preliminary heat treatment carried out in two stages: on a farm and dairy. The animals are sick with lush, are subject to a call and quarantine disposal under the control of the relevant services of the Ministry of Agriculture of Russia (Sani-Tarn-Veterinary Supervision), their products are not subject to further use due to the high risk of extension of the foot and other animals. At the same time, the meal virus is thermally not racks and is destroyed in the process of standard thermal processing. Milk, obtained from the animal, patient with mastitis, is not allowed for the purposes of nutrition due to the high risk of transmission of stafil and streptococcal infections.

Dairy group of products often serves by transferring acute intestinal infections such as dysentery. Shigella - Diesentery pathogens fall into milk and its processing products from the carrier person in non-compliance with sanitary rules and norms in food enterprises. "Dairy outbreaks" of dysentery are distinguished by mass and severe flow.

Milk and especially perishable dairy products can cause food poisoning of microbial etiology. In non-compliance with the sanitary rules and norms in the food facilities (the presence of non-declared bacteria carriers, violation of the timing and conditions for the storage of dairy products, etc.) can be recorded staphylococcal toxicosis and food toxicoin intakes caused by salmonellas, licker, as well as conditionally pathogenic microorganisms.

From the standpoint of microbiological safety in milk and dairy products, the following indicators are normalized: a total microbial number (KMAFANM) in 1 g, colors (BGPP), pathogenic microorganisms (salmonells, licenses), staphylococci, yeast (except drinks containing yeast yaws) and mold.

From the standpoint of chemical safety in milk and products of its processing: toxic elements (lead, arsenic, cadmium, mercury, and in the butter creamy, supplied to storage - also copper and iron), mycotoxins (aflatoxin m and in butter cream - aflatoxin In,), radionuclides (cesium-137, strontium-90), antibiotics (leftomycetin, tetracycline group, streptomycin, penicillin), inhibitory substances (only

ko in milk and liquid dairy products), pesticides (hex-

chlorocyclohexane, DDT and its metabolites, as well as pesticides,

which were used in the production of raw materials).

allowed groups of zootechnical (veterinary) drugs,

if they were used in the cultivation of animals: stimulus

growth tori (somatotropins), glucocorticoids (dexamethasone),

antimicrobial agents, antiforms, antiprotozoa-

funds (imidocarb), trypanocidal agents (isometamide

Grain Products

Grain products - human base. In the food diet of the population of most countries of the world, they are

50 and more percent of its daily energy value.

For a person, they are the main source of vegetable protein and carbohydrates, group vitamins in and mineral salts. The main grain processing products used in nutrition are cereals and flour.

Crupes - a valuable food product consisting of solid or crushed grassland grain (millet, buckwheat, rice, corn), grain (barley, oats, wheat) and legumes (peas, beans, lentils) crops. The cereals also include flakes (oat, corn), stripped and "blown" grains (rice, wheat), artificial sago from potato or maize (corn) starch. The croup includes proteins (7-23%), fats (0.6-6.2%), carbohydrates (57.7-77.3%), fiber (0.2-2.8%), mineral substances (0.5-2.6%) and vitamins (thiamine, riboflavin, niacin, etc.). From the croup prepare soups, porridges, cutlets, pancakes, claps, puddings, bokings, casseroles, brunts and other dishes.

Moto receive from millet. The millet-dance is produced when the outer shell is removed, and polished, containing specially processed whole cores of millet. The millet is quickly cooked, easily absorbed. It is used to prepare crumbly porridge, casserole, etc.; Often it has a bitter taste, which disappears with a thorough flushing and processing boiling water.

Buckwheat grain. The cereal of the nucleus is obtained by collapse (exemption from the upper shell) of the whole grain of buckwheat, made Smolensk - from the nucleus, by grinding it. Buckwheat cereal contains well-digestible proteins, starch, and its fat is distinguished by stability during storage. Compared to other croups, it contains less carbohydrates and more fiber, so it is recommended to people of mature and elderly. From the nucleus prepare crumbly cereals (used as independent dishes and as side dishes), brunt and minced From done - viscous porridge, bokings, casseroles.

Groats from barley there are two species - pearl and barley. Pearl croup is well polished kernels; It produces large and small. Small cereals are welded faster, it is better absorbed, cereal, cutlets, casserolets are prepared from it. A larger to accelerate cooking is recommended to pre-dock (for 3 hours); It is used for soups and crumbly porridge.

Barrier cereals are particles of a crushed core of various sizes and shapes. It contains a significant amount of fiber, because not subjected to grinding; Used for porridge.

Oatmeal is obtained in the form of actually oatmeal, stealed flawed and flattened, and cereals (flakes) "Hercules". From oats are also toloko. Oatmeal cereal is richer than other protein and fat. It is used

for cooking soups, soup-purees, mucous soups, porridge, bokings, kissel. The "Hercules" is produced from oat grinding cereals by handing it, flattening and drying. It consists of thin flakes that are quick and easily welded. Within 10-15 minutes, it is possible to prepare a nutritious and delicious porridge. Tolkoto - fragrant oatmeal, is a high-quality food product. Contains 12% and more well-digestible oelkov, 6% fat, which includes lecithin. Recommended for dietary and baby food.

Figure, depending on the processing method, it is divided into polished, polished and crushed. Grinding rice has a rough surface, polished (produced from a glass-hungal grinding) - a smooth shiny surface. Crushed rice is a fragmented rice cereal. Rice is used to prepare first, second and sweet dishes, side dishes, stuffs. For garnings, pilames, stuffing, casserole and puddings are more suitable glassy rice, as it is less rolling. From crushed rice, liquid and viscous dairy porridge are prepared, puree soups, bokings and cutlets.

Groats from wheat. From wheat produces cereals by manna, Poltava and "Artek". The semolina cereal is obtained by rapid wheat. It has very little fiber (0.4%), so it is most suitable for children and diet food. The first dishes, porridge, pancakes, casserole, bugs, cutlets, sweet meals are prepared from the semolina cereals, puddings, soufflies, etc. Poltava KhrUp is produced from solid wheat. In appearance, it resembles a pearl. We produce large, middle and small Poltava Cropa. The largest is used for soups, small - for cooking porridge, bokings, etc. Crupe "Artek" makes out of finely crushed green solid wheat. It is used for liquid, viscous porridges, casseroles, bokings, etc.

Corn grits. From corn, corn rice croup, corn, ordinary, cornflakes, so-called "blown" air corn (corn "sticks") produce. Small corn croup resembles a manna, but it has a more yellow color. Used in the same way as the manna, but requires a longer cooking.

Sago is produced from potato and corn starch in the form of spherical grains. From it prepare cereals, filling for pirogors, puddings, soups.

Bean, used as cereals (pea seeds, lentils, beans), differ in high protein content (up to 25%).

Peas Food is irrelevant (whole seed with seed shell) and brush (whole and cheat). Soups, soups and side dishes are prepared from it.

Beans distinguish white, colored monochromatic and pedigree. White beans more

soup suitable, color - for garnings and a variety of Caucasian dishes.

Provincial lentil is divided into large plate and smallest. Food uses a plate. Best lentil - Dark green color; From her prepare soups, porridges, side dishes.

All beans in front of cooking are put in cold water, in which they quickly swell.

Keep the croup in a dry, well-ventilated place, away from acutely smelling products. It is better to keep it in glass, metal and plastic banks specifically designed for these purposes. In paper container, the croup is not recommended.

A benign croup does not have extraneous tastes and smells unusual. To determine the smell, the croup is taken in the palm, heated with breathing and then determine the smell. With such an inspection, the smell of mold is well felt. Groats may be damaged by pests.

The flour is produced from wheat, rye, as well as oats, barley, corn, soy and others. At home, mostly wheat flour of the following varieties are used: beggars, the highest, first, less often the second. The variety of flour indicates the degree of grinding grain and exemption from the outer shells. By grinding wheat grains get flour of various outputs (the amount of flour obtained from the total amount of grain): 10% - latter, 25% - top grade, 72% - 1st grade, 85% - 2nd grade, 97.5% - Communication. Outputs of rye flour: 60% - pecle-vanya, 63-65% - seeding, 85-87% - riding, 95-96.5% - bulk. The higher the variety of flour, the greater it contains carbohydrates, its digestibility and energy value increases. At the same time, it decreases the content of biologically active components (vitamins, trace elements, etc.), as well as fiber and ash. To increase biological usefulness, the top varieties of flour enriched with vitamins of group V.

Oatmeal flour is used to prepare cookies and nutritional mixtures for children. From barley flour makes cakes. Corn flour is mixed to wheat and rye flour when baking bread and cooking confectionery. She quickly becomes hardened, so the storage is not subject to.

Damnable wheat flour is a mixture of wheat flour with various additives (egg powder, milk powder, sugar, soda, etc.) - Nutrient children's flour is made of wheat flour of the highest grade with the addition of dry whole milk, egg powder, butter and salt. Used to prepare liquid kolas for baby food, as well as for baking with pieces, cookies.

The flour easily absorbs moisture and smells, so it should be stored in a dry, ventilated place, away from stunning products.

Pasta presented

the battle in various ways molded and dried to humidity of 13% of the product from the test. The composition of ordinary pasta includes proteins (10-12%), carbohydrates (72-75%), fats (up to 3%), ash (0.5-0.9%), fiber (0.1 - 0.6 %). Caloric content of 100 g of pasta is an average of 350 kcal. Their biological value increases significantly when enriching various additives (eggs and egg products, milk and dairy products, etc.). Tubular pasta (pasta, horns, feathers), filamentines (vermicelli - web, thin, ordinary and amateur), Lento-shaped (noodles - smooth and corrugated), curly ("shells", "alphabet", "stars", "ears" "," Rings "," triangles "," bows ", etc.).

Pasta is boiled to soft in boiling salted water (per 100 grams of 3 glasses of water and "/ g of a teaspoon of salt), then folded on a colander and washed with cold water or immediately put oil so that the pasta do not stick out. Major pasta is boiled 25-30 Min, noodles - 15-20 minutes, Vermicell 12-15 min, and the finest vermicelline - 5-10 minutes; their decoction can be used to prepare soups and sauces. Boiled pasta is served with butter, grated cheese and cream oil, with Tomatoes and other vegetables, with meat products. They are baked with cheese, eggs, tomato.

Bread occupies the main place in human nutrition. The wonderful properties of bread are the complete absence of giving, good digestibility and saturation.

The nutritional value of bread depends on the type of flour used to prepare the test, and the character of additives. On average, the bread contains 6-8% protein, 1 - 1.5% fat and 40-50% of carbohydrates. The caloric content of 100 g of bread is from 190 to 240 kcal, bakery products (Batones, boats, etc.) - up to 279 kcal, pieces of products - up to 347 kcal. In biologically, the types of whole grain bread and wobble flour are most valuable. But the greatest digestibility is characterized by bread from wheat flour of higher grades.

The range of bread and breadpage has many varieties and varieties that are divided into the following groups: according to the type of flour - on the bread of rye, wheat and bread from a mixture of rye and wheat flour; according to the method of baking - on the form and suburies; in form - on the batons, bread, braids, etc.; According to the recipe - on a simple, made of flour, water, salt, yeast (from the swarm), improved - with the addition to the main raw materials - 3-6% of sugar or molasses, and in some grades - fat (no more than 7%) and spices , different - with a large number of drum (sugar 7-20%, fat - 7-15%, etc.); According to the method of baking - on the weight and piece; By appointment - on ordinary and dietary. The last group is special purposes: bread

for diabetics, almost not containing starch and sugar; Grain bread - for persons suffering from lethargy of the gastrointestinal tract; Ahloride (volatile) - bread for persons suffering from kidney disease or hypertension; Iodized bread and chickens from sea cabbage.