
Marinesco 1. Submaror with Corsair's soul


St. Petersburg: Pushkin Foundation, 1999. - 21 p.

Marinesko was a cruel, aggressive commander ...

These pages are an additional chapter to the book "The Secrets of the Baltic Supplement"

Alexander Marnesco - People's Hero.

The people themselves chose him into heroes, and does not take such a title.

The navigator in the shopping fleet, then the commander of the submarine, the hero of war - the wrong-persecuted bosses, demoted, expelled from the fleet, then unfairly convicted zek, Marinesko lived only fifty years and died in 1963 after severe illness.

In the 59th year, at the first collection of submariner veterans in Kronstadt, it was found out that the first place belongs to Alexander Marnesco on the tonnage of across the enemy vessels.

Participant in Baltic, former boat commander, submarine division commander, Military historian Captain 1 rank V. A. Poleshchuk wrote in the 75th year: "For one military campaign, Marinesko destroyed about 10 thousand fascists - essentially sent to The bottom of Baltika is a whole division. The total tonnage of across captain of 3 rank A. I. Marnesco ships amounted to 52144 BRT. According to the tonfunction of across the enemy's vessels, Marinesco belongs to the first place among Soviet submariners. "

Within three decades, the veterans of the war, the public of the fleet and the whole country fought for the return of Alexander Marinesko good name.

Among the defenders of Marnesco were the legendary admirals - the former Narc of the Navy, the proper and degraded hero of the Soviet Union Admiral N. I. Kuznetsov (the military rank of Admiral Fleet of the Soviet Union was returned to Kuznetsov only after his death) and the former head of the headquarters of the Hero of the Soviet Union Admiral Fleet Soviet Union I. S. Isakov.

The resistance of the authorities and the admirality was mad.

Only in 1990, Alexander Marnesco was posthumously awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In our city, the project of the monument to Alexander Marnesco was approved, the place of the monument was approved - on Vasilyevsky Island, near the Red-known training squad of a scuba diving, where Marinesco has finished commander classes in front of the war. The monument for some reason is still not installed and not even distinguished.

And the various nipple velmes, which hate the name of Marinesko, continue to feel the old slander in their print: "undisciplined, rampant".

Not so long ago, an old gossip, composed at Baltflot's headquarters in May of the 45th year, was pulled out to the light of the 45th year: as if Marnesco was afraid to seek the enemy ...

In my book "The secrets of the Baltic Supplement" (1996) I did not touch this topic - it hurts dirty.

But readers ask: "But the scientist Professor Adevenko on the basis of documents (!) It proves that Marnesco was a weak, an indecisive commander. What do you say?"

Let's take a look, which documents operates V. D. Dotsenko and what is the level of scientific conscientiousness of the Dotsenko himself.

Captain 1 rank, Professor of Military History Vitaly Dotsenko released the book "Myths and Legends of the Russian Fleet" in 1997 (St. Petersburg, JSC Ivan Fedorov). In this book, Dotsenko regrets that "after eliminating the censorship prohibitions, many researchers (...) began to rewrite the history of solely black colors."

Academic scientist dosenko does not hide that Marnesco does not really like Marinesko. And Marinesko's attacks were, according to Dotsenko, uninteresting, and the results are weak.

To post Marinesko, Dotsenko leads the figures of the achievements of fascist and American submariners from the history of the Second World War (prof. Adesenko allegedly does not see the difference between free hunting in the ocean and underwater war in shallow-water, close Baltic, where the Germans put tens of thousands of mines and held powerful anti-submarine forces - And even more accurately "forgets" to point out that in the oceans walked large-tonnant ships in the oceans, and small transports went to the Baltik).

The main subject of "research" prof. Dotsenko took the last combat campaign of a red-known submarine "C-13" under the command of Captain 3 rank (not yet demolished in senior lieutenants) Marinesko.

From this campaign, which lasted from April 20 to May 13, the 45th, Marinesko returned without victories.

Prof. Adesenko argues that the reason for the same - Marnesco de had a nikudny, an indecisive commander. In proof (!) Prof. Dotsenko retrieves the Navy from the secret archive and quotes three documents.

Interesting thing: Dotsenko does not give to the quotes of footnotes, it does not report any numbers of the Foundation and inquiry, nor the number of archival business, nor instructions on the sheets of the case, - that is, the scientific value of such "quoting" is zero.

In the first of the quoted documents, the commander of the submarine division of submarines Captain 1 rank eagle lists 7 cases when, according to Eagle, in this campaign "the possibility of attack was missed by the fault of the commander," that is, the fault of the captain of 3 rank Marinesko. The withdrawal of the eagle: "Actions of the commander unsatisfactory".

The second document is born in the next instance. The commander of the submarine brigade captain 1 river rods is more categorical: "The commander of PL did not strive to search and attack the enemy." This formulation contradicts the conclusion of the Comda Eagle, but no knots, nor the historian of Adevenko, such a "trifle" are not embarrassed.

The third document was signed in the instance of the highest and final - Head of the headquarters of the CBF counter-admiral Alexandrov. The sentence of the admiral is categorical: "the enemy was not looking for, and the task was unsatisfactory."

Here historian Dotsenko (with a certain celebration) writes: "As they say, comments are unnecessary."

Professor Dotsenko was completely in vain wrote this phrase.

It is here that you need to start comments.

The fact is that Professor, Officer of Fleet Dotsenko hung from his readers the most important fact in this story. In that ill-fated campaign, Marnesco was not independent. On board "C-13" was also the head of the submarine forces of the Baltic Fleet Council Admiral Andrei Mitrofanovich Stetsenko himself.

Similar "forgetfulness" prof. Dotsenko in his scientist is equivalent to straight lies.

Captain 1 rank Dotsenko made a mistake. He decided that if he was alone admitted to the secret (still secret!) Documents, he is a monopolist, he "raises the veil of secrecy" - but the censorship is hand.

Meanwhile, the presence of the admiral on board "C-13" immediately changes the whole alignment. Three papers, which with such importance referred to nothing, turn into fiction.

About the cruel conflict between Marinesko and Admiral Stetsenko during a combat campaign in April and May of the 45th year told in the 84th year by A. Kron in the book "Captain of Far Swimming" (M., "Sov. Pra."). The book went under the nest of the military and political censorship, so Alexander Cron could only say a hint.

But it can be seen that the situation was mowed to the limit. The crown writes that Marinesko had the last, permitted by the charter, the means: to record in the Watched Journal that he, Marinesco, in view of the disagreements with the boss, hesitate the obligations of the ship's commander. In this case, Admiral Stetsenko would have to take on the command of the submarine.

The honor of the combat commander did not allow Marinesko to bring conflict to nonsense.

Historian Dotsenko also "forgot" to tell the reader, in what conditions this last military campaign flowed. Several times the boat "C-13" was literally on the hairs of death.

On April 24, 1945, the boat went into the attack when "Junkers" discovered her. The commander of the boat was listed with depth, 6 bombs burst into the sides.

Almost every night, Marnesco was attacked by German submarines.

In the underwater position, the diesel boat has a move from electric motors. To charge batteries boat, you need to pop up and run diesel. From the root of their own diesel engines, the imperfect acoustic equipment of the boat "Glohla" - acoustics did not hear the quiet noise of the screws of enemy boats, which were in a depth of silent electric motors. And the crash of diesel engines that came up for charging was broadcast to the sea on a lot of miles and was an excellent "bait" for German submariner commanders.

In those days in the Baltic Sea were only two submarines of Baltflot. They were opposed dozens of German submarines that defended the areas of their shipping.

On April 25, at night, the boat "C-13" was attacked by the German submarine. The commander rang out by a maneuver and an increase in the course, 3 torpedoes were finished through the stern.

On April 27, at midnight, "C-13" was attacked from the water by a group of fascist submarines. The commander "C-13" shied on maneuvers. The Germans produced several volleys. Along the sides of "C-13", 9 enemy torpedoes were held.

On April 30, the boat "C-13" was attacked by the German bomber. The commander dotted and made an urgent immersion. 4 bombs exploded in the board. Empty-guns from the aircraft passed with the receipt, the boat was already under water.

On May 2, at night, "C-13" was attacked by a German submarine. The commander declined to depth care. 2 The enemy torpedoes passed over the boat "C-13" (I give this information on the manuscript of the memories of the city of Zelentsova "Roads from the Depths", the author of the manuscript was in the hike on the "C-13" senioshina-steering).

I heard the opinion of people from the post-war generation that Marnesco was such a rustic "Ivanushka-fool." No need to trust appearance. Photos are deceptive. Marinesko was a cruel, aggressive commander. To avoid all the enemy attacks listed above, and to stay alive, the incredible will of Marinesko, an honed and instantaneous response, extraordinary skill of mechanics, steering machines, were demanded.

Marinesko brought up his crew "for himself." Marinesko reworked "under him" and the iron boat. Alexander Cron writes that Marnesco has proven intake nozzles tanks of the main ballast so that the boat immersed a lot faster than the project. In rude hands, such a "constructive improvement" would lead to the failure of the boat to the depth and to death. In the hands of Marinesco team, this change has repeatedly saved the sailors "C-13" from German bombs and torpedoes.

A. Cron writes that in the 60th year in the Central Naval Museum, he was a certificate of the head of the head of the Navy, in the certificate it was said: "... in combat campaigns under the command of Commodity. Marinesco Personalizer acted simultaneously, skillfully and selflessly, and himself The commander showed high mastery, determination and courage in the fight against the fascist invaders. "

This means that the officer of the GMS, who prepared a certificate, resolutely neglected the "documents", which today refers to the scientist Caperang Dtsenko. Apparently, the author of the certificate did not know the history of Marinesco conflict with Admiral Stetsenko.

I did not read the conference list of Admiral A. M. Stetsenko, this is a secret document, it is not available to me. From March 42nd to February of the 43rd year Stezovenko, in the rank of captain 1 rank, commanded the Brigade of the Board of the KBF. The campaign of the 42nd year was the time of the highest activity of the underwater forces of KBF for the entire war. It seems that the role of the command of the brigade at that time should be very important.

But in academic scientific publications, edited by the authoritative historians of Captain 1 rank V. I. Achkasov, Captain 1 rank G. A. Ammon ("Krasnoznam. Balt. Fleet ...", 1973, "Battle Chronicle Navy ...", 1983 ) The name of Caperanga Stetsenko is not mentioned at all. This is a very bad sign. If the name of the Soviet military leader was withdrawn from the official history of the war - it means that such a military man is tightly tough.

In the 43rd year, Stetsenko was transferred to Moscow, to the head of the head of the department, the head of the underwater diving department (to combat actions, this department had an indirect attitude).

And in April of the 45th year, the counter-admiral Stetsenko suddenly appears on the Baltic as the head of the underwater forces of Baltflut (so calls his position A. Kron).

On April 20, Admiral Stetsenko goes into a combat campaign on the submarine "C-13", where he commands the commander of the boat captain 3 rank Marinesko.

It is not difficult to see, why did the admiral went to the campaign: go the last days of the war, our artillery beat on Berlin, and you need to go to the sea at least once every war - in order to have time to get on the chest not just a fighting order, but a fleece order.

It is not difficult to understand why from two boats that went to the position (and there were no more serviceable boats in the Baltic Fleet), the admiral chose Marinesco boat.

Marinesko, Cavalier of the Order of Lenin and the two orders of the Red Banner (for all the victories of the January-February campaign of the 45th year, for the drowning "Gustlov" and "Stomyben" Marinesko, from the big unlubness of the bosses, received only the Order of the Red Banner), during the war he commanded Two submarines, and during the war Marinesco: 1) won the loudest and impressive victories, 2) never had losses, always left the opponent, 3) showed himself a skillful navigator, never was in an emergency.

Hike was grew hard. The boat "C-13" several times was attacked by aviation and submarines of the Germans. Only the skill of the commander and the skipping crew saved the boat from death.

After the campaign, all the staff bosses accused Marnesco that he was not looking for an opponent, "" did not decrease to attack. "

Very incomprehensible. On board the boat was attended by Admiral in a high position. The boat commander was directly subordinate to Admiral. Admiral was obliged to order the commander of the boat: "Look for the enemy! Attacku! Attacku! .."

But the admiral did not do this. And in the staff documents - the sharing of the campaign there are no mention of the presence of the admiral on board.

Truth is simple. The counter-admiral Stetsenko had only one desire: so that the boat was quietly and peacefully returned to the base, and so that no attacks, no distillations and troubles.

A. Croon in the book about Marinesko cites a record in his diary dated August 16 of the 60th year: On that day, Marnesco "funny" told about his conflict with the counter-admiral Stetsenko during the campaign, told "with a laugh, loosely."

From the record, it can be understood that in the fifteen years before, in May 45, Marinesko had all the grounds for the malice.

Who was guilty of a breakdown of a combat job?

A. Croon, under the supervision of all censorship (in the 84th), is in relation to the law: Marinesco "was the right to be registered with the charter - to write to the ship's magazine that he removes the command. From this point on, the crew would only perform the directions of the senior chief. Such a record was not done, and nodding on other, higher or lower-level, was not in the rules of Marinesko. "

No submarine commander, if he did not go crazy, will not arrange a common battle in a combat campaign - yes, so that all interstic bulkheads were separated and sailors drunk crowds walked from the compartment.

But on the night of May 9, the 45th, this is exactly what everything happened on the boat "C-13". And the priest was, naturally, not the commander, but the counter-admiral Stetsenko.

This is evidenced in his memoirs "Roads from the depths" former S-13-steering red-known "C-13" Gennady Zelentsov.

Zelentsov colorfully describes a mighty song from the muddy sailor sip, drunk, snot from the nose, the sounds of the accordion, the "apple", the fraction of heavy shoes along the steel flooring, the ringing of mugs, tears in their eyes.

Officers, writes Zelentsov, drank in the cabin company. Admiral was with them Tamada. Then, writes Zelentsov, Admiral ordered to collect the entire crew in the second compartment (all security requirements, combat services, the vitality of the ship were committed by oblivion). Admiral, who drank tightly, with a glass in his hand, turned to the sailors with a speech.

Admiral stated that he was delighted with the courage and talent of the commander. Admiral said that it was soon translated into the Pacific Ocean and that after three months the war began with Japan. Admiral firmly promised that he would take the entire heroic crew "C-13" with himself, on the Pacific Ocean. "We will beat the Japs together!"

The last did not like the sailors at all. None of them wanted a new war.

Drank from mug. For victory. Then for the admiral. For the commander. For the victory over Japan. And "with a wormwort in the soul," writes Zelentsov, scattered on the compartments, fell to bed.

On May 13, the boat "C-13", with the permission of the fleet's headquarters, returned to the database. Naturally, the bosses had a question: why without a single victory?

You can think that the counter-admiral easily "passed" Marinesco as the guilty. And Marnesco considered the humiliating to be justified.

And then the Troika Lgunov - Eagle, Kursany, Alexandrov - cheerfully made the "sins of the commander". In the headquarters of all three levels, they prevailed that in the campaign Admiral Stetsenko on board "C-13" was not present.

Comda Eagle has already started his dizzying career of peacetime. Comda-Orel just that (the first and only time for the whole war) went to the sea on the "L-21" with the captain of 2 rank Mogilev - in the report they recorded that the tanker and transport were soles. Confirm with these "victories" has not yet been found anywhere, but the eagle received the Flotovoy Order of Ushakov.

The eagle has long since sincerely hated Marnesco and the entire crew of the red-known "C-13" (these sailors and in the face of Orlo beat Eagle, and about the stone floor of the eagle Biili - but the eagle did not tell anyone in order not to spoil his career). Now, thanks to the singer of the contraldamiral Stetsenko, the eagle had the opportunity to reduce the scores.

Captain 1 rank eagle in his "analysis" of Marinesko actions managed to "not notice" those attacks "C-13", which were torn to the fighting opposition.

The former commander of the submarine brigade KBF counter-admiral S. B. Verkhovsky due to the reason, I was unknown, in April 1945 he was withdrawn from office - and Marnesco lost the only patron and defender.

Konian Caperang became the commander of the Brigade of the Board of the CBF at the end of April of the 45th year, he also was concerned about the coming peaceful career (and immediately after the war of the knots became a counter-admiral). Kursnik tightened the formulation of the eagle and recorded that Marnesco "did not strive to look for and attack the enemy."

Head of the headquarters of the fleet Council Admiral Alexandrov was an old Chekura of the Civil War, after the civilian he served for many years as the chairman in the Tribunals, Alexandrov changed in various fleets and flotillas to the darkness of posts (that is, nowhere turned out to be needed), in the last military winter He served on the Chekist line - in the Allied Control Commission in Finland, and in April of the 45th of the year he suddenly became the head of the Baltic Fleet headquarters.

The merits of Alexandrova in front of the fleet were immediately marked by the Flotovoy Order of Nakhimov 1st degree (it is simply amazing which irrigated on the last days of the war on the Baltic fleet for fleets).

The counter-admiral Alexandrov delivered the final sentence in the "Marinesco case": Marinesko "enemy was not looking for"!

Thus, the counter-admiral Stetsenko was "washed" and "receded."

Just laughter takes: the hike of the boat "C-13" is recognized as unsatisfactory, "the enemy was not searched." But Admiral Stetsenko for this campaign received his honored fleece order. Cron writes that Stetsenko received Order Nakhimov.

(It would be interesting to take a look at the presentation of Admiral Stetsenko to Some Order - who is signed? In which formulations are the heroism and fleeting talents of the admiral? It is a pity that this document is still secret.)

And at the headquarters of Baltflot in May of the 45th year, a poison gossip was beaten: now he sees that the victory in Marinesko was the dodged, and the commander he was nickdy and inept. This gossip and today is promoting the historian Captain 1 rank Avtsenko.

Of course, it was a strong blow to honor and pride of the combat commander Alexander Marnesco. And the war is already over! There will be no more fighting, attacks - nothing to answer insult.

These days, Marnesco had behaved independently (in the language of the authorities - defiantly). He bought himself a gorgeous "Ford" - the charter does not prohibit.

When the submarine brigade was transferred from Finland to Libava, Marnesco on the deck of her "C-13" Transort of Ford in Lebavu. The bosses stumbled to the limit.

At that time (as at all times), the fights between ship and coastal sailors were an ordinary phenomenon. But it was worth it to get into the fight to the sailors with the red-known "C-13", and immediately - the Tribunal. Who is guilty? Commander, Comrade Marnesco.

He did not have any "borties". He drank it no more, and even less than comrades in arms (listen to the stories of the elder comrades, as drank on the fleet after the war - is badly done).

It was climbing in the first incident. Marinesko returned in the evening on the floating in the signing. Salag-officer, duty officer in the division, Nahamil him (Holowi always understand who Barin is in disgraces). Marinesko sent him.

Embedded in the part of the party. Marinesco has a friend, a Division mechanic Korzh. The crude was in the part of the party, he walked, voted - did not become a friend of Marinesko.

Comda Eagle filed paper, the Kursk Combrigs handed over to the headquarters of the fleet, the Old Tribunal, the Tribunal of Alexandrov composed the order, Komflot Tributz signed. "For a negligence attitude to official duties, systematic drunkenness and household succity of the Commander of the Red Banner Submarine C-13 Captain 3 rank Marinesko Alexander Ivanovich to remove from his position, to reduce the rank to senior lieutenant ..."

In desperation, Marnesco sat in his "Ford" and rushed, without permission, to Leningrad to the addict of the NCMF Admiral Kuznetsov. As a result, the conversation with the People's Commissar Marinesco was fired from the fleet - without a pension!

In twenty-three years, the former People's Arctic of Kuznetsov, by that time was twice the whole, twice demoted, unfairly convicted, unfairly expelled from the fleet, will come to his face, and he will bring his repentance of the late Marinesko in his famous article in the magazine "Neva" (article This made a lot of noise ).

The faithful friend Marinesco legendary submariner Peter Grishchenko wrote in the memoirs ("Salt Service", L., 1979) that Marinesco "was obolgangan to people unworthy." The former subordinate Marinesko Gennady Zelentsov said in his notes that Marnesco was "slander envious and hypocrites."

Such is briefly the story of the last combat campaign "C-13", which, with the help of "documents", is trying to falsify Professor of military history Captain 1 rank Adevenko.

The Great Mystery of the Great Patriotic War. Keys to Ripping Osokin Alexander Nikolaevich

Alexander Marnesco - Soviet submariner number 1

Born 2 (15) January 1913 in Odessa. Smeat sailor on shipping courts. In 1933 he graduated from the Odessa Sea Technical Academy and walked by the Captain Assistant on a steamer "Red Fleet". One day, in the fall of the same year, when Marinesco stood on the watch, in the Skadovsk region there was a case, coolly changed his fate. Marinesko discovered the point on the horizon, which inspired the disaster to the torpedo boat, on which there was a high naval authorities. For this, he received gratitude to the commander of the Black Sea Fleet and the monthly salary from the shipping company. A few days after that, he was called up on the fleet and at the end of the commercial courses of the RCCF commission in November 1934, he was appointed commander of the BCH 1-4 on a submarine like "Shch" of the Baltic Fleet. On July 16, 1938, Lieutenant A. Marinesko for an unknown reason is fired from the fleet (the cause of dismissal, they most likely served arrests, possibly saved by him in 1933 by the command of the Black Sea Fleet: Komflota I. K. Kozhanova - 5.10. 37 and Nonfast Fleet K. I. Dusenova, at the time of arrest - 22.5.38 - commander of the Northern Fleet). However, after three weeks, August 7, Marinesko is restored in the service, and in November he is assigned the title of senior lieutenant. He becomes an assistant commander of the submarine, and after six months, the commander of the submarine - "Baby" M-96, at which, in the rank of Captain Lieutenant meets the war. For the mining in August 1942 of the German transport "Helena" (7,000 tons) A. Marnesco was awarded the Order of Lenin. In the fall of 1942, M-96 makes a new campaign and land in the deep rear of the enemy a sabotage group. At the end of the same year, Marnesco is assigned the rank of captain of the 3rd rank. On April 14, 1943, he was appointed commander of the middle submarine C-13. In October - November 1944, the S-13 under his team commits a combat move in which the German transportation "Siegfried" (5,000 tons) is driving, for which Marinesco receives the Order of the Red Banner. On December 22, 1944, C-13 returned to the base in Hanko after a dock repair in Helsinki to prepare for a combat campaign in the southern part of the Baltic Sea. January 11 (according to some sources, January 9), 1945. S-13 under the command of Marinesko comes out of Hanko in a combat move and on January 30 in the Danzig Bay of three Torphedami sends a German liner "Wilhelm Gustloff" (24 500 T), and 10 FEBRY Two Torpedes Topit Transport "General Von Stustyben" (14 660 tons) and February 15 returns to the base to the Turku, having received the command order (allegedly due to the fact that the submarine division was relision).

At this place, I interrupt for a while a short story about the fate of A.I. Marnesco, in order to tell about the circumstances preceding the exit of the C-13 in the sea in the January campaign, because it will help to understand the essence of the event that happened January 30, 1945

C-13 was supposed to go on a campaign in early January. However, her commander A. Marnesco, who went with the permission of the authorities to dismissal, allegedly found himself in the city of Turku (60 km of the sea or much more by rail, besides, there was no direct message and had to go with a transplant), met a new 1945 in the hotel restaurant (according to one information - with a doctor of his boat, in others - with the captain of the 3rd rank of P. Lobanov) and stayed there spending the night, spending the night with her mistress - a young Swede. For incomprehensible reasons, the name of this hotel is still not indicated, it's good if it is hindered by the honor of its hostess, but another option is also possible - it would be possible that at that time the hostess was a 75-year-old old woman or a man-bachelor. It could strongly undermine the faith in a beautiful legend about the reason for the exit delay in the C-13 submarine.

Interestingly, that although Marinesko appeared on a boat from New Year's dismissal, late for just a few hours, C-13 came out on the campaign only many days after that - January 11, 1945 (January 9 - on other sources). One of the possible explanations of the delay gives the author of the only one who appeared over the past 60 years of a foreign study on the Great Patriotic War at the Swiss historian Y. Maister:

"January 3 in the area of \u200b\u200bCape Brysterort Ministry of Economics T-3 (German Navy. - A. O.) Taranized the Soviet submarine "C-13". However, this submarine, apparently, did not sink, because in February she was in Finland. "

What does this mean, it is incomprehensible - whether it is just fiction, or whether the collision really had a place, but not with C-13, but with another submarine (for example, with C-4, what will be said below), whether it really was -13, and the delay in its exit to the combat move before January 11 was caused by the need for urgent repairs after this clash, or so explained the delay in the exit C-13 into the sea after the Soviet command became aware of the delay in the exit to the sea "Gustloff ", In my opinion, was a very specific goal of this campaign.

Although it is possible that such a long delay occurred due to the death of the most serious inspection of the circumstances that led to the late Marinesco on the C-13 after a new year meeting - after all, in the territory of a foreign state, the commander of the Soviet Warmirth, which is preparing to fulfill an important task, joined unauthorized Yes, and intimate contact with a foreigner, moreover by the Russian language! .. At that time, such a misconduct clearly pulls on the military tribunal (there is no reason that there are reports that Marinesco's satellite Captain 3rd rank Peter Lobanov for the same The very meeting of the New Year pleased in Penalbat). Not very clear other. If, due to this long test, the Soviet submarine is the only Soviet submarine that can quickly be at the other end of the sea (and not to give German transport to East Prussia and Porosania and the most important goods, to evacuate the Nazi administration, special services, archives and worn over The war of values, as well as to move to the west of the part for the defense of Berlin), so long stood at the pier, it means that all these eight or ten days the Germans could most successfully implement these maritime transportations. Moreover, even coming out on January 13, 1945, on the original binding of combat duty (which recorded the Rasteist C-13 M. I. Korobeynik in his diary: "On January 13, I stand on the Radiochte. Pass the message about the occupation of the position in Danzig Bay), the submarine under the Marinesko team for all seventeen days no one attackeddespite the intensive movement in the area of \u200b\u200bGerman transports.

It follows from this that the C-13 commander in this campaign was probably the position in advance - the entrance to the Dankig Bay and, very likely, even a specific purpose for the attack - Wilhelm Gustloff liner. Then it can be assumed that the Soviet command knew in advance the exit time "Gustloff", but it suddenly changed, and it was necessary to find some particular reason to delay the C-13 on the base, so that in no way to disclose the connection with the source of this super secret information and do not give the German special services to the hook for its disclosure. Therefore, knowing the dashing and unpredictable character of Marinesco, he could only let go to the New Year's dismissal, and even further on his fault, everything that was needed to substantiate the C-13 delay on the base. Although, if you think about the very fact of issuing permission to dismissal in wartime, the ship's commander, which is preparing for a combat campaign, seems no less strange and even wild than his late return, leading to the delay in the exit of the submarine in the sea.

It is possible that the command or Smerez offered Marinesko to play the option explaining the dedication from the dismissal of the "hussar bounce" on New Year's Eve. Naturally, he was ordered to keep all this in absolute secret, as well as the true "special" purpose of the upcoming campaign C-13, possibly formulated as the destruction of 3,000 German submariners on board "Gustloff". It is possible that a subscription to the non-disclosure of all the foregoing, which he, despite all the adversity of his subsequent life, was not even taken to subscribe to all adversity. It is possible that he was even promised to be awarded - subject to the successful fulfillment of the task - assigning the title of the Hero of the Soviet Union, which he received almost thirty years after his death. Naturally, returning from the campaign, fully fulfilled everything that he was not just ordered, and what he was convincingly asked, he could count on fulfilling his obligations and on the part of the command and was extremely indignant by the fact that even no signs of this. It all started with the fact that at the agreed place the boat did not meet an icebreaker with a pilot for wiring through schkers and ice fields. But on the way back it was waiting for an ambush.

It should also be noted that for some reason in this campaign on C-13, an employee of the main political management of the Navy, or the special services - NKVD, Spear or GRU. Steering since-13 G. Zelentsov writes in his memoirs:

A week later (that is, at the last moment before going hike. - A. O.) A representative of the main political management of Boris Sergeevich Krylov was sent to the boat for strict guardianship in the upcoming combat campaign of the defendant team ... All of us immediately guessed that it was for the "guardian", and treated him with suspicion.

V. Gemanov argues that the wings were an employee of the political waste of the brigade of the PL, "who performed the duty of the deputy roller."

In my opinion, Krylova had one-only task - to keep radio communication with the fleet breeding and in combat position to instruct Marinesko about what a specific goal should be destroyed at any cost (it was the Wilhelm Gustloff liner), and maybe more One special confunction at the time of attack, what will be said below.

When in early 2006, Alexander Krona "Captain of Far Navigation" was sent from St. Petersburg, published in 1984, I was very surprised by the fact that the episode of the meeting on the basis of the S-13 submarine after the January campaign of 1945 It was described completely differently as he was postponed in my memory after reading in 1983 this story printed in the magazine "New World". In the book she met the commander of the division of submarines A. Eagle, who "having taken on ice, hugged Marinesco tightly", and then "there was a banquet with traditional grilled piglets, and friendly arms, and meaningful hints for upcoming high awards."

In my memory, incredible events associated with this return are preserved, about which 22 years ago I read in the journal version of A. Krona. It was said that when C-13 approached the Pier of the Turku's port, her team, contrary to tradition, not only did not bring roasted piglets, a number equal to the number of enemy ships hike, but no one met a submarine at all, and insulted by A. I. Marinesko gave a team on the dive, put the boat on the soil next to the pier, after which he ordered to give the team alcohol and announced a holiday in honor of combat success in the campaign. Then, from the pier to the boat, the diver was repeatedly descended, which the order of the command about immediate floodings was on the trim on the trim, on which he received brief and sharp answers to the knock from the inside. When the boat finally surfaced and moored, serious disassembly began with the participation of command, political waste and a tornger. However, in spite of everything, given the unique combat results of the January campaign of the S-13, nor her commander, nor team members to attract the responsibility, but rewards reduced into several categories: so, A. Marnesco instead of the Hero star received the Order of the Movie Red Banner .

I appealed to the editorial office of the "New World", where I kindly provided the second number of this journal for 1983, it turned out that the magazine differed from the book one and only word:in the journal, the division commander of the submarine A. Eagle met returned from the C-13 campaign on trashmanand in the book - on icebreaker(I realized the meaning of this difference later, what else will I tell).

Suddenly, for me in a magazine, A. Krone's story did not have the words that the heroic boat nobody metand Marinesko in protest gave the team to put C-13 on the soil near the pier. And then I remembered that Boris Aleksandrovich Krasnov told me about this - the captain of the 2nd rank of stock and the former submarine commander, which for some time he worked as an assistant director of our institute on socially issues. I gave him to read the magazine "New World" with the publication about Marinesko, and I told me that the C-13 meeting on the basis was described in the journal incorrectly, and in general launched a story about the immersion of the submarine at the pier after her Nobody met. He argued that he heard this story personally from the mouth of the commander of the submarine C-13 A. I. Marnesco.

As Boris Aleksandrovich told, at the very end of the 50s - early 60s in Kronstadt, the meeting of the Baltic submariners began - participants in the Great Patriotic War. During these meetings, they were allowed to be on board modern submarines, including the submarine, where the Krasnov himself served. At two such meetings, A. I. Marnesco was attended, while he repeatedly visited the cabin Boris Alexandrovich. Krasnov opened the safe, removed the container with the alcohol, poured it on the glasses. However, he didn't overturn his glass marinesko, but unbuttoned the jacket and the shirt, I took a glass funnel from my pocket, I inserted it into some hole in my stomach and poured my portion of alcohol through this funnel (part of the esophagus was removed by this time) . After that, memories began and long conversations about the war. Once Marinesko and told about how the S-13 submarine after the January campaign was met, and how her crew at the bottom near the pier celebrated his return and his battle success - the mining in this campaign of two ships, one of which was "Wilhelm Gustloff " As the diver descended, which retired the orders of the commander of the division of submarines of the Eagle, and then the commander of the Verkhovsky Brigade, and that he ordered a radio guard in response to Liya Marnesco while the S-13 team celebrated her victories.

Therefore, after receiving the book by A. Krona from St. Petersburg, I realized that it was necessary to immediately contact B. A. Krasnov and clarify a number of details that did not represent much interest in 1983 for me, but were extremely important now. However, when I laid his home phone with great difficulty and called, a female voice (owned, most likely his wife) informed the sad news: Boris Alexandrovich Krasnov died on September 26, 2005

It should be noted that the existence of this version of the Return of the C-13 on the base after the January campaign was confirmed to me and the former submariner counter-admiral O. V. Kustov, saying that he had repeatedly heard her on the fleet. To some extent, it was confirmed by several more submariners, including one veteran - the Baltic Fleet officer from the times of the Great Patriotic War. Even at the Museum of the History of the Underwater Fleet. A. I. Marnesco (in St. Petersburg) I was told that there is such a version, although it is quite possible that it refers to the celebration of the crew of the C-13 day of Victory on May 9, who got a submarine in her last combat campaign.

In one of the most recent volumetric materials about A.I. Marnesco "Underwater AS", published in the seven rooms of the Moscow Pravda newspaper in March 2006, the journalist Berta Bukharina outlined his conversation with the only one living in Moscow by a member of the crew of the legendary submarine with -13, Assistant acoustics, participant of the "Attack of the Century" Captain-Lieutenant in resignation S. A. Starovy. In the publication of this newspaper for March 14, 2006 it is said:

Among the Baek about Marnesco there is such. Allegedly displeased how the boat returned from the campaign on the shore, the commander gave the team to immerse directly at the pier. And the crew of the whole day noted the victory in the boat, despite the attempts of the command to reach it.

In fact, it is almost the word for the word repeated story B. A. Krasnova, who, however, heard him not as someone's bike, but from the mouth of A. I. Marnesco. And it is impossible to assume that the C-13 crew after returning to the base celebrated the victory over Germany it is impossible, because on the day of the victory, the submarine made his last combat campaign (April 20 - May 23, 1945) and on its board was in a strange role Mentor, whether the head of the underwater forces of Baltflot Calfamiral Stetsenko, who would never allow a similar one. So it is possible that such an inconceivable case in military time - and protest the crew of a warship, and repeatedly refusing a boat commander to fulfill the command order, and the creation of interference to normal work of the pier - really had a place, and most likely it was after returning C-13 from the January campaign of 1945

In my opinion, it is this incredible episode that caused all the subsequent trouble by A. I. Marnesco and the persecution of him, starting with the replacement of the star Hero of the Soviet Union to the Order of the Red Banner.

It remains only to understand, because of what he, the captain of the 3rd rank, a professional and a real commander, exposed himself and its crew of this risk? It is unlikely that only due to the lack of an enthusiastic crowd, command and traditional fried piglets on the pier. There must be a much more serious reason here. Let's try to figure it out.

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Chapter 3. Soviet Union

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The name of Alexander Ivanovich Marinesko for many years no longer comes from pages not only Russian, but also foreign media.

Decree of the President of the USSR dated May 5, 1990, about the assignment of the Hero of the Soviet Union to Alexander Ivanovich, justice was restored. In the United States, a film was released, in which the "Attack of the Century" and the losses of the Germans are professionally disassembled. Last year and in Germany, a film also came out on this topic, in which the creators tried to "warm up" on the same topic. But the marinesco "on the kind" shows that it was written that not only during his lifetime he would be humiliated by the system, the defending he did not regret his life, but after death.

After the war, the name of Alexander Ivanovich was not known to the general public and the Soviet people. He knew only a small circle of submariners and participants of the Great Patriotic War.
During the war on the Northern Fleet, and later on other fleets, a tradition was formed - after the return of the boat from a combat hike to give the crew so much piglets how much the enemy ships ached. This tradition continued after the war, when submariners gathered in Kronstadt to their traditional meeting. The first piglery was handed over the view of an unremarkable man of a small growth, whose chest was not decorated with the Golden Hero Star. It was a sign of appreciation and respect for his fighting feats during the Great Patriotic War, which all Soviet submariners were proud of. This man was Alexander Ivanovich Marnesco.

When I studied in the Kaliningrad Prize-Swimming VVT in the teachers, we had officers participating in the war, who passed it on ships and submarines. They told at lectures about their youth and participation in combat campaigns. Much of what they told us, did not find their reflection in the chronicles of the underwater war, since these were times when the truth of war was not needed by the leadership of the country.

About Alexandra Ivanovich everyone spoke with great respect. "Attack of the Century", which historians argue today, far from the sea and life, in the stories of our teachers looked somewhat differently.

Once we were reported that at the Department of Submarines Tactics will be held with cadets with Alexander Ivanovich Marinesco. Apparently, it took place only thanks to the personal intervention of the Commander of the KBF Admiral Eagle Alexander Evstafyevich. During the war, he commanded the compound of submarines, which included the boat "C-13", whose commander was the captain of 3 rank A. I. Marnesco. Alexander Evstafyevich was the first commander who signed in 1945 the presentation of Alexander Ivanovich Marinesco Golden Star and the title of Hero of the Soviet Union, he also signed the last representation in 1990, which was satisfied.

Having come to the department, we saw a modest elderly person in a civil suit, a small growth and not at all the heroic species, which he was represented to the meeting. Marinesko accompanied the legendary submariner of the Northern Fleet (N. Lunin's submarine) Captain 1 rank Mikhail Alexandrovich Leoshko - Senior Lecturer of the Department of Submarine Tactics of our School.

In an instant, a group of cadets of 3- and 4 courses overturned Alexander Ivanovich and all moved along the corridor of the department of submarine tactics. The walls of this corridor, a long of about 10-12 meters, were completely taken off by the portraits of the Heroes of the Soviet Union and photographs of the crews of Soviet submarines who took part in the war, most of whom were killed.

ATTENTION Alexander Ivanovich attracted a photograph of the foreman 1 of the article Hero of the Soviet Union. Perhaps it was the photo of Antonova Ivan Petrovich - the legendary sniper of the Leningrad Front. He stopped and, showing his hand to the photo of the senior, asked us, whether we want to find out under what circumstances he met him. Naturally, everyone wanted to hear this story.

This is how she remembered me. (I ask you to take into account that since the time of that meeting passed 48 years, almost half a century).

It was November 1943. Submarine recently returned from a combat hike. In one of the evenings officers dinner in the restaurant. After dinner, Alexander Ivanovich went to the boat. Just a few minutes later, a military patrol was stopped led by the younger lieutenant and demanded to present documents, after which the head of the patrol suggested passing to the military commandant. All attempts by Alexander Ivanovich to persuade the younger lieutenant to let him go were not crowned with success. He realized that the rear arm of the soul of the submariner, who returned from the fighting campaign, was not understood. At this time, foreman 1 of the article came out due to the corner. Having stood with the patrol and appreciating the situation, the foreman not to say a word, beats the head of the patrol and the nearest soldier. Then enough A. I. by the hand and says: "run." I did not have to persuade long. They hid in the same minute around the corner and headed towards the pier, where Marinesco boat was scratched. Going into the boat, went into the cabin - the company. A. I. called wisp and asked something to "come up." Alcohol, water and some snack appeared on the table. Marinesko offered the elder to remove Bushlates and eat. Starshin removed Bushlat, and here A. I. Marnesco saw a golden star medal in his chest. So they met.

Recently, getting acquainted with the history of introducing them. Frunze (in the past Marine Cadet Corps), I understood why the Russian sailors were distinguished by courage, courage and never under any circumstances descended the flag of the ship, preferring the death of captivity. No wonder in a two-flage signals there is such a combination "I die, but I do not give up."

Since the time of Petrai, the elite of the nobility in Russia preferred to serve in the Pazic Corps or Pavlovsky School. In the Sea Cadet Corps took children not just hurried nobility, and those who, in their behavior, were not "worthy" to study in Pavlovsky School. These were "comma" guys.

The story once again showed that the heroes during the war often became those whom the people called "Sorvi - Head". This seems to be this foreman, and Alexander Ivanovich Marinesco himself.