
Lesson summary: modeling, goodbye summer, senior group. Photos and master classes on modeling on the theme “Summer” for making DIY crafts for children

Garden buildings

Plasticineography “Summer has come” for children of the 2nd junior group. Step-by-step instructions with photos

Karpova Anastasia, pupil of the 2nd junior group.
Teacher: Gordienko Marina Nikolaevna, teacher of the 2nd junior group.
1. Clarify children’s understanding of the signs of the summer period.
2. Develop modeling skills, use the technique of “rolling out the sausage” and rolling it into a roller, flattening it.
3. Develop fine motor skills of the fingers.
4. Cultivate a sense of beauty.

This master class may be useful for parents and kindergarten teachers. The finished work can be used to decorate a corner of nature in a group.

The teacher and children look at pictures depicting summer flowers, read poems about them, ask riddles, and talk about the signs of the summer season.

What is summer? What is summer?
That's a lot of light
This is a field, this is a forest,
These are thousands of miracles
There are clouds in the sky
This is a fast river
These are bright flowers
This is the blue of heights.
There are a hundred roads in the world
For baby feet.

For work we will need:

Blue cardboard, plasticine, modeling board.
1. From orange plasticine, the child rolls out a sausage, approximately 10-12 cm.

2. The child rolls the sausage into a roller and presses it to a sheet of cardboard in the upper left corner - this will be the sun.

3. From orange plasticine we roll small sausages, 5 cm long. and press them around the roller. These are the rays of our sun.

4. Many flowers grow in summer, and we decided to depict them in our meadow. To do this, roll three sausages out of green plasticine and press them onto the bottom of the cardboard. The child takes small pieces of plasticine, rolls out balls and flattens them a little to get leaves.

5. Take red, yellow and purple plasticine, roll out the sausages and roll them into rollers. We press them to the stems.

6. Now we need to make a tree, we chose a birch tree. To do this, take white plasticine, roll out several sausages of different sizes: 12 cm for the trunk, 5 cm for the branches and 2 cm for small branches.

7. The child takes green plasticine, rolls out small balls and flattens them, pressing them against the branches. These will be birch leaves.

8. You can make small indentations on the trunk using a stack.

9. We haven’t forgotten about butterflies. Roll out sausages approximately 2.5 cm long, use orange and purple plasticine. The child rolls out the balls and flattens them, sticks the purple cakes to the orange sausage, and the yellow ones to the purple one. These are the wings of our butterflies.

10. Near the flowers we make grass, for this we roll out a sausage 1.5 cm and stick it to the bottom of the cardboard.

11. Our picture needs to be decorated with a border. To do this, take yellow colored paper, cut out a strip 1 cm wide and glue it to the edge of the picture.

12. Our picture is ready. You can put it in a corner of nature.

Plasticine painting “Rainbow mood”

Age: 5 years

Head: Valentina Mikhailovna Mineeva, teacher of MBDOU TsRR d/s No. 6 “Fairy Tale”, Vladimir region, ZATO city Raduzhny.

This work is designed for children from 3 years old.

We thought and wondered for a long time:

What can surprise you?

Finally figured it out

“Put on” our town!

We are very happy

Rainbow City for you:

Here you can see the rainbow,

And the road is all beautiful!

From plasticine you can sculpt not only three-dimensional figures, but also create beautiful creations on a plane. This technique has its own name - drawing with plasticine. This is a very entertaining activity for children. With them you can draw using the simplest technique - reverse appliqué on glass.

Equipment: wax plasticine (12 colors), photo frame 20 by 30, sketch of the work, black marker (alcohol), mat for modeling.


You need to remove the glass from the frame and place the finished sketch under it, and get ready to trace the drawing on the glass with a black marker.

Trace and remove the drawing from under the glass.

In the same position, transfer the drawing to the oilcloth. You need to start sculpting on the side where you drew (if the marker is water-based, it will rub off when it touches the glass, so use an alcohol marker). Having remembered all the colors of the rainbow, you can start sculpting and drawing it (from the top arc). By pinching off, plasticine is applied to the glass without going beyond the next arc.

The “tweezers” are placed on the glass, touching each other so that there are no gaps.

Having finished the rainbow and the sky (the top of the picture), you can begin more detailed work. To prevent the glass from “rolling” on the oilcloth (we have thermal oilcloth), you can add more cardboard.

To make leaves and petals, you need to roll either small balls or small sausages and apply them to the glass with light pressure.

Intermediate result of the picture.

For the ground, we decided to mix white and black and stuck it on. The picture is ready!

We insert the picture into the frame with the outer side (on which we did not sculpt), and cover the working side with cardboard).

This is such a wonderful picture

Beauty, just amazing!

And the girls are great -


In this work, perseverance is developed (many children came up and were interested in our activity, but seeing the painstaking work, they found something else to do), fine motor skills develop, thinking and imagination develop, and tastes for beauty and aesthetics are formed. The girls liked this type of work and enthusiastically told their parents about their painting. We hung the painting “Rainbow Mood” in the group.

Modeling the seasons from plasticine is a great idea for children's creativity. In this way, you will not only learn the distinctive features of winter, spring, summer and autumn, but also help your child effortlessly distinguish colors and shapes. Exercises with plasticine are always useful. Even simple handling of soft mass in your hands already contributes to the development of finger dexterity. And the creation of products on a specific theme, all the more, contributes to the development of the child’s mental abilities.

In order to create summer from plasticine, we need to remember what we can see outside the window at this wonderful time of year. Naturally, the following immediately appear before your eyes: the bright sun, blue sky, green trees, flowering meadows and insects that circle above them. This is exactly what needs to be reproduced from plasticine to create a real warm summer.

1. To create a plasticine pattern, prepare a cardboard canvas. Also take blue and green pencils, they will help create the background.

2. Carefully, without applying too much pressure on the pencil, apply green strokes, creating a sketch of hillocks overgrown with grass. And make the upper part of the drawing blue, while trying to increase the pressure on the pencil, moving towards the top.

3. Take care of the sun and clouds right away. Make white cakes using a long yellow thread.

4. Stick clouds on the blue sky, and form a bright sun from the flagella.

5. Mash the green plasticine in your hands and create juicy greens. To do this, stick a lot of small blades of grass.

6. Start attaching the blades of grass to the bottom of the design, placing them close to each other.

7. Finish creating a strip of grass at the base of the design. This will add depth to our summer landscape.

8. Make a tree trunk from brown flagella.

9. Attach small dots – dandelions – to the clearing.

10. Continuing to plant the landscape, stick leaves on the tree in a thick layer.

11. And finally, show all your imagination. Glue even more flowers onto the drawing, add butterflies fluttering over fragrant flowers, and birds flying into the sky.

The final look of the craft.

Plasticine fantasy on the theme “Summer” is ready. We hope your child will feel like a real artist while creating such a colorful picture.

Modeling with children 3-4 years old. Class notes Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

Theme of the week: “Summer is coming”

Theme of the week: “Summer is coming”

Lesson 36. Beautiful butterfly

(Applying plasticine to the surface)

Program content. Continue to teach children to apply plasticine to the surface in a thin layer inside the outline of the design and decorate the product. Develop speech and thinking. Learn to use movements to depict the words of a poem.

Demonstration material. Five butterflies of different colors, five flowers of the same colors.

Handout. Cardboard on which the outline of a butterfly is drawn with a simple pencil; plasticine; peas, beans, millet, rice, buttons, etc.

Progress of the lesson

Invite the children to place the butterflies on flowers that match their colors.

Then read the poem “Butterfly”, together with the children, performing movements corresponding to the text:

The flower was sleeping and suddenly woke up, (Place your palms under your cheeks.)

I didn't want to sleep anymore. (Shake head.)

He moved, stretched, (Move and stretch.)

He soared up and flew. (Spin around.)

Place in front of each child a cardboard on which the outline of a butterfly is drawn with a simple pencil.

Establish a sequence of work with your children: first you need to tear off small pieces of plasticine of the same color, attach them to cardboard and smear them over the entire surface of the image within the contour, and then decorate the butterfly’s wings with peas, beans, rice, millet, buttons and other materials.

At the end of the lesson, ask the children: “What can a butterfly do?” (Flutter, fly, drink nectar, sleep.)

From the book Modeling and application with children 6-7 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

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From the book Lepka with children 3-4 years old. Class notes author Koldina Daria Nikolaevna

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From the author's book

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From the author's book

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From the author's book

Theme of the week “Summer is coming” Lesson 36. Beautiful butterfly (Applying plasticine to the surface) Program content. Continue to teach children to apply plasticine to the surface in a thin layer inside the outline of the design and decorate the product. Develop speech and thinking. Teach with

From the author's book

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From the author's book

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Tatyana Tuktamysheva

Tatyana Tuktamysheva Lesson notes on Lenka(plasticineography) "Summer forest"

Goals and objectives:

*development of fine motor skills

*development of imagination

*learning the ability to navigate on a plane

*reinforce pressing and smearing techniques

*develop neatness skills


white cardboard, brown and green plasticine, stacks, board for sculpting, hand wipes.

Preliminary work:

The work is carried out within the framework of the thematic “Forest” week. During the week, conversations were held about the Siberian forest and the jungle. We observed trees and bushes, compared them, and noticed changes.

Progress of the lesson:

IN: Guys, today while we were walking we heard a noise. What was it?

Lead the children to answer that it was the forest that was rustling.

IN: Right. Remember, what trees grow in our Siberian forest?

D: Birch, aspen, poplar.

IN:Well done, can you show how they grow?


Trees have grown in the field.

It's good to grow in freedom! (Stretching - arms to the sides)

Everyone is trying

Reaching towards the sky, towards the sun. (Stretching arms up)

A cheerful wind blew

The branches began to sway immediately, (Children wave their hands)

Even thick trunks

They bent down to the ground. (Bends forward)

Right-left, back-and-forth -

This is how the wind bends the trees. (Tilts left and right, forward and backward)

He turns them, he turns them.

When will there be a rest? (Rotation of the body)

The wind died down. The moon has risen.

There was silence. (Children sit at tables)

IN: Let's make a small forest edge in our group. Do you have it on your tables? plasticine, cardboard, stacks. Tell me, what is the main thing in a tree?

D: Barrel.

IN: Right, what is he like? (big, brown, white, tall, massive, etc.) Take a piece of brown plasticine and roll it out in your palms to make a sausage. Now stick it on the cardboard. Where should I stick it? (bottom of sheet) Our tree is ready (No, there are not enough branches and foliage) Branches grow from the trunk. Smear it with your fingers plasticine in different directions. Let's make leaves from green plasticine. Roll a small ball (gingerbread man) and press it to the branch.

Children do the work independently, I help individually.

When the work is finished, the children show and talk about their trees, and the work is displayed in the reception area.

Publications on the topic:

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GCD. Modeling Pinocchio. Target. Continue teaching children to sculpt cylinders and sausages by placing plasticine between their palms. Reinforce knowledge of body parts.